Random Questions

Yes. You can still get shingles even if you’ve had the vaccine but hopefully it’s of short duration and a much milder case. If you suspect you have shingles at any time get to the doctor immediately for medication that can help shorten the duration.

Shingles is just plain awful. I knew someone who had post herpetic neuralgia from shingles–it’s like it never goes away. The nerve pain continued for years even though the rash cleared up.

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This is all so helpful. I’m going to sign up for the vaccine now, when I return from vacation. This adds to the other stories of debilitating suffering from folks who’ve gone through it. Seems worth some shorter term discomfort to avoid that…


This could have been the older vaccine. Shingrix is relatively new and works quite well. Whatever it was before (too lazy to google) didn’t work well. My mom’s doctor said it was maybe 50% effective, so many people got it post vaccine. The same doctor was really in favor of Shingrix when it came out.

But like all vaccines, nothing is 100% effective at stopping things, so it is possible to get Shingles afterward - just hopefully a lighter case.

My view is the same with pretty much all vaccines, can’t hurt, might help - worth trying.


Re: Shingrix. One more thing to consider:



Zostervax was the 1st anti-shingles shot. I paid $185 out of pocket to get it upon my md recommending I should get it. The peace of mind was worth it. We got the 2 Shingrix vaccines as soon as they were available. My H and D each got shingles separately and were miserable. It even made it tough for them to sleep!


When my PCP recommended I get the Shingrix vaccine even though I’d already received Zostervax, he mentioned that Zostervax was 50% effective while Shingrix was 90% effective.

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In the last several weeks, I’ve been getting constant text messages from Republican candidates asking for money. Some them are downright insulting. “We thought you were a patriot, but you’re NOT! This is your last opportunity to show you’re not a traitor!” SERIOUSLY.

One said “this is your last chance or you’re done.”

I’m not getting any texts from any D candidates. Not sure why. Other than blocking the numbers, I wonder if there is anything I can do further? One candidate sends texts from many different numbers, so even though I block them, I get another one soon enough from the same candidate.

Really annoying. It’s hard to believe that these bully tactics work, but they must, or they wouldn’t keep doing it.


That’s awful! LOL

Those tactics seem so far out that it seems more like a scam, or something a political opponent may do to turn people against someone.

Do they look like legit texts from specific candidates?

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Report from yesterday’s second shingrax shot: so far, so good. My arm is a bit sore (took Motrin before bed last night) but other than that I am fine.


I usually just block and delete without going to the link. The one saying “or you’re done” took me to the official web site of the RNC (I didn’t hit link from the text, just pasted it onto my browser).

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Whenever I get a political text, I type STOP and that usually ends it without the hassle of blocking.


H is getting similar texts too. He just deletes them and we think they’re scams rather than official, but who knows in today’s day and age? Either way, they’re frustrating.

Meanwhile, I’ve gotten two phone calls today from “Amazon” letting me know they’re charging 1+K to my credit card for some sort of computer. I set my phone aside and let the recording go on until they hang up. Perhaps it’s delaying someone else getting their “notice.” H and I can joke about it at least - eases the frustration.

We often wonder how/why “enough” people fall for scams with all the info out there about them today, but apparently they do. Jim Jones got people to drink Kool Aid too. Nothing new under the sun I suppose, but now we can get it all via text or phone calls. Lucky us.

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If I get a scam call when I am free and bored I like to have some fun at their expense. Just my tiny little way of getting back at them. :imp:


Mr. B has two phones, work and personal. When he accidentally answers a scam call on one of his phones, and there is a live person on the line, Mr. B plays a voice mail from the other phone to them… the voice mail is that immigration scam message in Chinese.


My father is still getting mailings from the Republican Party with that kind of language…two YEARS after he died. I’ve tried everything to get him removed from the mailing lists but they keep coming.

I got to the point that I was using the self addressed returned envelopes to get him removed from the lists but it didn’t do any good.


For whatever reason I was getting those mailings relatively often too - from the RNC and places like Hillsdale (which I didn’t realize put out incredibly biased surveys prior to getting theirs). I finally resorted to repacking all of the material into any “no postage required” envelopes they sent and returning it to them telling them I would continue to do the same with anything else they sent so at least they could be using other people’s donations to pay the post office.

It took a couple of times (each place), but lately I haven’t gotten any - and here in PA - we’re in the nasty, tight, election season due to having an open Senate seat so I’m thinking that tactic might have worked.

Once in a while I still get some where they want me to pay the postage. Pending my whim of the day I answer their survey correctly with a lot of hand written added “options” to fit my views or put it into compost directly, but even those are rare compared to before.

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H told me today he got an email (text?) from Biden asking for at least $10. I get Nancy Pelosi emails to “chip in.” So not to make this political, but both sides are playing game.


I fully believe it’s both sides. I live in a deep, deep red zip code, so both the RNC and scammers will address things accordingly. Someone living in deep, deep blue will very likely receive the “same” mailings, but different names put in.

Scammers don’t care who they rip off. They’ll play politics as much as anything else.

PACs will target areas they think they’ll find folks willing to donate.


What’s the current policies/leniency on airline tickets?. I heard that earlier this year with Covid things had loosened up. Specifically I want to book a flight to Nashville in late Oct, ideally on United. Not yet 100% sure we won’t need to cancel, but I see it’s getting harder to find availability than when I looked a few months ago

I live in a very blue state, and am a registered Democrat. That said, I very, very seldom get mailings from Democratic candidates or organizations for donations.

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