Random Questions

All I found is that if it’s been less than two days and thawed in the refrigerator (not at room temperature) it should be okay to refreeze. You could always just cook it up and freeze some meals instead.

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USDA says if they were thawed in the fridge and not at room temp, you can refreeze.

That said, I think re-freezing changes the texture too much. I’d personally cook and then freeze the meals as @gouf78 suggested.


I’d be eating steak tips all week. We don’t refreeze anything once it’s thawed. Yes to making meals that could then be refrozen.


I had an online order delivered via USPS, All is well but only because we drove by and wondered what trash was thrown over in the woods next to our driveway. Turned out to be my order!
(Really? You’ve no brain cells to NOT throw it in the woods?) Can’t drive 30 feet to actually deliver it? (which is what normally happens,)

So mad. I got text updates that it was shipped but nothing that it was delivered which is why it had to be someone totally new I think, (I’m trying to be nice.)

I don’t know if to excuse it and figure it was a total new person (I don’t THINK our mail carrier would ever do this) or to file a complaint (if only as what should NEVER happen!)

May be in demand, especially if new in box!

A few years ago we had a package from amazon via USPS marked delivered. I could never find it so I asked for a refund. About a month later I saw a box over the embankment beside our home. It was the missing box. I’m guessing it was windy that day and they put the box too close to the edge. Amazon said enjoy it because they cannot charge again for something.
I learned later that the USPS has 2 different cars deliver. One mail and small packages, and one packages.

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What’s the cheapest way to send something from London or UK to USA, I don’t want to carry it. It’s maybe the size of a hand luggage.

The cheapest?? Find a friend who works for google and have them ship it from the London office to their office where another friend near you can pick it up!


Thanks but that sounds more complicated.
I did stop by the post office and DHL and the prices they quoted me is more than what I would pay the airlines. I just don’t want to drag this extra luggage around because I’m not going straight home.

Yes its probably more complicated, but you asked for cheap!

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My D’s friend in Scotland has used this company to send luggage home to the US.

Similar company but I don’t know anyone personally who has used them.

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Random question (if permitted) - has anyone heard from Publisher? I used to see him a lot and realized he hasn’t posted in a long time! Just curious; he always seemed to have something funny and/or piquant to contribute…


I’m not a PayPal person, however I did buy something using my credit and somehow PayPal was involved.
My question is how do I pay someone with just a name without loading up a PayPal account, or do I need to load it up first before paying this vendor.
This is regarding a vendor that I want to buy jujube scions for grafting purpose, he’s suggesting me paying him using his handle.

I pay for paypal with my credit card. I send money through their email address.

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Thanks, he gave me his email. So do I log into PayPal first, how does it actually work?
This guy just sent me an invoice. Normally I can click on something and it has a payment option, either PayPal or credit card, or PayPal using credit card. I know I sound confused.

Oh, sorry, I haven’t been on lately. Log into Paypal. Click on send money and put in the email address. It should walk you through it. Again, sorry!

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Thank You, I don’t have to send this vendor money until the end of Oct.

Paypal is pretty easy to use. You log in and then a page appears that has to buttons- Send or Request. You want to send money so click on that. I think it’s a yellow button. Then a page will come up and you put in the email and then the next page comes up and you put in the amount. I think after that it asks you to confirm. There may be a place where it asks you if it is for a business or a friend. If you choose friend, then you pay the Paypal fee. Generally, I do that when donating money or buying fundraising stuff; otherwise I stay with business. Hope that helps.

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Anyone have an iPhone 14 pro or pro max and also a Tesla? Do the protruding camera lenses get in the way/make it difficult to plug the phone into the charger port?

Thank You, it does.