Random Questions

My eyes? I would not feel comfortable judging prongs (my setting includes a few smaller diamonds - those prongs are TINY) with my eyes and if it’s worn daily and through all kinds of work (I basically never take mine off) I think it’s due a good examination every few years anyway.

Had my ring for 25 years. Have never had it cleaned. It’s fine.

I used to take my rings in once a year or so for cleaning but had not done so in many years. A couple of years ago I was at a jewelry store with D23 getting a ring sized that SIL gave her. I took off my engagement ring and asked if they could clean it. Unbeknownst to me, it was missing a prong and at least one of the others was partially broken. He told me I was lucky I hadn’t lost my diamond. I ended up going to a different jeweler and had the entire thing reset. Not inexpensive but glad I got it fixed before I lost the diamond!

Editing to add that I rarely take my ring off so it gets a “beating” so to speak. And when I do get it cleaned I notice a big difference in how it sparkles.


I lost the diamond from my ring in the barn doing chores one day many years ago. I don’t ever expect to get it back - it might have even gone into pony feed so truly be lost forever.

It’s a good thing it wasn’t something I really felt I needed to keep forever. I told H to absolutely not spend the money replacing it. I’d rather go on a trip somewhere.


All of the above is why I asked my husband to pick a pave ring. I dig dirt without gloves and do a lot of dirty housework without babying my hands. :slight_smile: The ring survives all of these activities OK. So if you are thinking about a new ring in the future, consider a pave option.


Oh gosh. me too! back in 2004. Except I had gotten my engagement ring inspected just a few weeks prior. I’m not sure when I even lost it. I looked down and the diamond was just gone. I was mostly upset that I wasn’t more upset. I felt more sorry for H who spent $$$ on it. I definitely said not to replace it, and I’ve happily just worn my $29 wedding band by itself. I don’t want expensive things. I just lose and/or break them. I definitely don’t get any enjoyment out of them either. Just another head scratcher for me: something everyone else seems to get, but me.


I guess like anything else, it depends. My ring is pretty sturdily mounted with 6 prongs and has never had a prong broken on all these decades. Getting out checked every year or two with a cleaning would be ok but multiple times/year seems like overkill to me and my jeweler friend.

@BunsenBurner if I didn’t already have what was originally a solitaire diamond that H used to propose (and then took me to pick out a setting), I wouldn’t even have bothered with a diamond engagement ring at all. I’m not even much a fan of diamonds and would have preferred an emerald as that is my birthstone, but emeralds are too soft apparently for daily wear, at least acc to a jeweler I spoke to. If I ever lost the diamond in my ring, I wouldn’t bother with a new engagement ring.

My new ring is slightly different than my old ring, which kind of bothered H initially, but the setting is much “safer” than the old setting. I do take it off for certain things if I don’t want it possibly getting damaged or dirty, but I only take it off in my bedroom and put directly in a jewelry dish. Before I was even engaged, a friend flushed hers down the toilet. I promised myself then I would not take it on/off all the time and if I did remove it, always in my bedroom and stored exactly in the same spot.


My first time of making sauerkraut, I think I was successful, but somehow I don’t see sauerkraut juice, at least not at the top. Are they supposed to not be there like in the beginning. Also I read you can drink the juice they are good for your immunity. But some recipes to make apple, onion, sauerkraut recommend to rinse the sauerkraut. Is that correct? Are you suppose to rinse them?

Random survey:
How many of you use closed caption more than “rarely” when you watch tv? I heard today that 50% of Americans use closed caption. That seemed surprisingly high to me! It was interesting to me also because I started watching Derry Girls last night and whenever characters have an accent it can be hard to decipher. But it took me a bit to figure out how to turn on closed captioning!

The podcast also said that younger people use closed captioning quite a lot! Since many social media sites like Instagram have closed captioning (often so you don’t need to have volume on while viewing) they are used to this feature and like it.

So I’m probably a “rarely”. Only when I’m watching characters with accents.
How about you:

I’d only put rarely because there isn’t a never option. H wouldn’t watch anything with captions ever. And I am not a fan. If captions are on, I just read them and don’t listen.

We like the closed caption, as if we miss something said we can read it. But what we don’t ike is when it blocks something we are trying to see on the screen.

Never unless it’s in a foreign language we don’t speak.

We have hearing issues. Thank heavens for closed caption.


Often. So many things are in dialect of foreign language.

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I edited to also include “never”!


We just like them. My husband hates sports announcers and will watch games with no sound at all. He says the inane chatter of the sports announcers gets to him. Sometimes he will turn the captions off, too, so he doesn’t have to look at the inanity of it there either.

We don’t like the TV loud so CC is helpful in that regard, too. We have a very quiet house generally.


Only if we are reading subtitles.

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With normal TV shows, never. With some movies that are hard to catch via accent or speed of conversation, sometimes. It all depends on how well we can understand what is being said.


Always. But I am definitely hard of hearing.

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