Random Questions

30 years? Wow! What kind of plant is that? Just curious - my wife and I got into gardening during the pandemic, and I’m still learning.

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It’s a schefflera.

Thanks! I had no idea any houseplant could live that long. You must be really good with plants :slightly_smiling_face:

State rules may be a factor here

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I have plants that my mom had. No real limit on how long a houseplant can live. I have some Purple Heart plant that my husband got at his elementary school plant sale. I’ve given cuttings of it to all my friends!


That’s amazing. So much for me to learn!

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We have a peace lily that my husband got as a get well plant from the HR when he had appendicitis surgery 20 years ago. I don’t baby that plant… housesitters frequently forgot to water it. It rises back from the dead, lol. Plants can go on and on! My mom had potted English ivy as a houseplant. My sister and her husband finally chucked it when they helped mom move. That ivy was 40 years old and could have kept going.


My Sheffy has been on the brink of death many times and always comes back. It’s had many “babies” given to friends and family. It’s basically indestructible.

I go on vacation for months, nobody is tasked to water my plants, they are still here when I’m back. Yet our car batteries didn’t last after 4 months, lol.

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I had a peace lily for well over 20 years.

I moved recently and because I knew I would be moving , I did not buy any new plants the last few years. I put the smaller plants on Buy Nothing and gave a few larger ones to my friend who lived next door to me.

The hardest was re-homing my beloved lemon tree. S bought it as a gift to me and I had it many years. It was not only beautiful but I “harvested” at least one lemon per year. and some were softball sized (I kid you not). I really wanted to take it but in the end I gifted it to a friend who is very good with plants. She has posted pictures of the tree on my FB timeline.

In May my kids gifted me with a new lemon tree at my new home. It summered on the front porch and is now in the front sun room. It is growing beautifully and has 3 fruit which are not ripe yet.

Sometimes you just have to let them go…


I’m so glad the lemon tree tradition lives on!!!


I received a peace lily after my dad died. I killed it in 4 months. I have no green thumb. Everything dies on my watch, except a Christmas cactus I have managed to keep alive for 2 years. It has bloomed once, and has 2 buds now.


Benign neglect killed every plant I ever owned. My family was concerned about my ever having children. I haven’t owned any plants in decades but, miraculously, I was able to keep our son going.


Unlike plants the kid screams if you forget to feed it :joy:


I’m making my moms stuffing/dressing recipe for the first time. She had told us how to make it but her instructions were brief!

I’d like to mix it today and bake it tomorrow - is that possible? I have toasted and tore apart the bread already. Her recipe calls for fried ground beef, apples, onion, and seasoning. And a little liquid - she said water but I will use chicken broth.

What can I put together today and then stop to refrigerate and bake tomorrow? Can I put it all together and just add the liquid (slowly) before baking??

Did some research and I think I will do one bake today (foil on) today and then a short rebake (foil off, brief bake to warm up) tomorrow


My dad had a green thumb that I didn’t inherit. We would throw out plants to the side of the house he thought were dead but would then decide to thrive.


abasket-your mom’s stuffing sounds delicious! My mom used Pepperidge Farm stuffing - I still have so many vivid memories of that taste/smell!

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I know the ground beef is not typical - but this was the first recipe that she made when she came to the states from Morocco with my dad. It was his Polish mothers recipe and my dads sister taught her how to make it. :heart:


This is totally random and there wasn’t really a good place to share it, but it truly made me LOL. And, to put it in the form of a question… who doesn’t need a good laugh ?