Random Questions

If I make a bread pizza- the cheese goes first , then the sauce, then the toppings. A regular pizza the sauce first then the cheese then the toppings.

Reporting back - with the cheese before the toppings on tonight’s pizza it allowed the pepperoni to get nice and crisp and the whole top to brown well AND by saucing almost to the edge and the. Lightly Olive piling the edge and sprinkle with parm the very edge was nice and crispy - it was a really good outcome!


Anyone have a recommendation for a cooking torch, or whatever they’re called, for making crème brûlée or in my case trying to brown the marshmallows on top of a potential s’mores cake I may or may not make for my son’s bday?
I am looking for an inexpensive one. This isn’t something I see myself using often.

I think I was looking at one time for myself and was surprised that what I was seeing was a little pricey - for a one time or rare event. Might one of your local friends have one you can borrow??

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The pizza making rule I use is crust, brush with olive oil/garlic mixture, salt and pepper. Bake for 10 minutes, then add sauce, toppings and cheese. But I can see reasons to add the toppings later, depending on the topping. Toppings on top of cheese adds a bit of artistry to the process. The initial bake helps the crust stay crisp and infuses that good olive oil and garlic flavor into the crust.

My kiddos gave me a torch from Sur la Table for Xmas. I still need to get to the local store to buy the cartridge. Can’t take the cartridge on a plane. Hopefully it was not too expensive, but I have no idea.


New random question:

A friend’s son connected with me on LinkedIn a couple of years ago. He seems to be really into trading commodities and derivatives. He posts multiple times a week (sometimes multiple times a day) detailing the trades he’s made or is planning to make, shares articles related to his trading theories, etc. Plus celebratory messages with balloons and confetti every time he says a trade “yielded big”. (No posts when he loses money of course, which I’m sure happens often enough).

I’m not interested in any of this, so it litters my LinkedIn feed. Is there a way for me to turn off these posts/updates from him? I don’t want to block or unfollow him as I don’t want to upset my friend.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

looks like you can mute a person and/or conversation. Also appears you can unfollow them but it sounds like you don’t want to do that Mute and unmute a conversation | LinkedIn Help.

Thanks @jym626. That seems to be for direct messages though. I’m trying to get his posts off my general LinkedIn feed (the stuff you see on the home page).

it said it would mute the person too. Worth a look…

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“How do I mute someone on LinkedIn without unfollowing them?
Click the light gray “Hide” button that appears in the top right corner of the status update. You will remain connected to the individual, but his status updates will no longer appear in your activity feed.”

In Safari view, the three dots in the upper right corner of the message can be used to unfollow or hide posts by the person without removing the person from the network.

It looks like this:

ETA: This is for illustrative purposes only. I’m not unfollowing the Huskies! :laughing:

Thanks a lot @jym626 and @BunsenBurner
I will try this out tonight.

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New random question. My mom got a new sleep number bed last fall…top of the line, adjustable, all that. She really likes it…BUT…

Has anyone found a solution to keeping bottom sheets tight on an adjustable bed? She’s bothered how wrinkly it gets. Seems to me that this would be a common (first world) problem. Do those elastic under-mattress things work, and are they a pain in the rear to use? Is there another effective option?

Trying to clarify. Is she bothered by wrinkles that appear when the head of the bed goes up and the mattress sort of folds?

Yes exactly! When she uses the adjustable feature the sheets seem to slip and wrinkle.

We bought one set Sleep Number sheets… they are pricey but do work work well when we we adjust the bed. But often we just leave our bed in snore mode (head tilted up), and for that deep pocket sheets work fine. Our Sleep Number sheets are ivory, and sometimes I use that bottom sheet with a top sheet from another set.

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Good to know! She ordered a set of sleep number sheets (not here yet). I’ve been skeptical that it’ll solve the issue but maybe, just maybe, it will!

We had a friend give us a Sleep Number referral for $100 credit, and we passed it back to him. He used it toward Sleep Number sheets, and he was tickled to have them.

I know we had a thread about this earlier - but what are you doing for manicures these days? I don’t get them regularly, but get shellac when I need one for an occasion. The last couple of times I did this, the polish lasted for 3+ weeks, but once it chipped away, the nail was very frail and kept peeling. Makes me hesitant to get one again. It’s been over six weeks now and nail is still peeling/breaking very easily.

I do mani/pedi a few times a year, usually for a wedding or vacation. i do gel manicures and do hate the way my nails are in terrible shape afterward. Not sure if part of the problem is that I manually peel it off, after letting it grow out a few weeks.