Random Questions

Another vote for the last version - spacing highlights the stones and makes the accent lighter. Pretty!

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Another vote for 3!

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Also three


We hired a plumber last week and one thing we needed them to do was fix the stopper to our hall bathroom tub. They had to put in a new drain thing on the bottom front of tub and the thing that’s on the front of the tub about halfway up the front. Problem is, without asking us he put in brushed stainless instead of the chrome (or shiny stainless, whatever it’s called).
Husband said he used what he had on the truck and it’s fine. I don’t use that bathroom much so it won’t bother me on a regular basis, but I feel like it detracts from the “look” of the bathroom (this tub has glass shower doors on top of it that are shiny also).
Would you be upset about this?

Took your unanimous advice and played around around a bit. The configuration worked out exactly. I still have to tack it into place in a few spots; deciding between the jewelry wire and thread. It’s pretty light because the big pieces are made from shell.


That looks great!

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1214mom- can you switch it yourself? I had the same feeling in a bathroom with mixed finishes - I was able to grab new knobs at the hardware store and just screw them in. Your project might be more complicated, though!

Yep, that would bug me!


Hm… We could easily unscrew the thing on the wall part, but wouldn’t know how to do the drain part. And this guy charged a lot, too.

Yes, it would bug me every time I saw it. My H would not care in the least. If your H okay’d the parts used then the plumber is unlikely change them without charging full fare - service call, parts and labor. If your H doesn’t want to pay another plumber, then he could watch some YouTube videos, order the parts online and do the job himself.

My H is slowly working his way through changing some things in our new house because he doesn’t want to pay the labor cost again. He’s the one who pulled the plug on our GC and said he’d finish the job to make sure it’s done right, so I refuse to listen to any griping.


Can you paint it? They make some pretty great paints these days.

@1214mom did it take him that long of a process to do that particular drain task? I guess I would maybe be tempted to reach out and say “I was surprised to see that the drain is a different color than the one you replaced and now does not match the other bathroom hardware - is there a reason you choose that drain?” - or “is there a simple way to remedy the color difference”


Anyone here familiar with the Trekkie line by Athleta?

I have a pair of Trekkie pants I bought several years ago from Athleta. I knew I should have bought a second pair but I didn’t and now they no longer make the same style, tho they still have other items in the Trekkie line.

I’m looking for something made from similar material. I can’t really describe the fabric - it’s lightweight, breathable, quick drying and a little bit stretchy. Doesn’t really wrinkle.

I work in a casual setting and despite air conditioning, it gets hot, especially on busy days. I’m on my feet all day and love how light and airy these pants are. I’m also short (5’3") and need something with a petite inseam and back pockets.

Any suggestions where I should look?

I buy a lot at Athleta. I have a pair of the trekkie joggers that I love. They are so comfortable!

I have bought a few out of stock, older Athleta items on eBay. Always new or next to new. Might look there! Or Poshmark.


Maybe check out Vuori. I have a pair from them that are similar to a Trekkie pair I have from Athleta. Also I have a lightweight pair from Gap but they are even older.

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Instagram account - Yes? (setup hints?) No?

I already have plenty of social media (FB, NextDoor) plus CC activity. But today wondering about installing Instagram on my iphone (and/or ipad) to view niece’s photos. But not keen on having another id/pw. Started to tie it to Facebook account but it still seems to want to define a new id/password.

My answer is yes for an Instagram account, but I don’t have any set up hints. I love not only following family and friends on Instagram, but enjoy many of the travel and fashion accounts I follow. All of the people I know that are me kids ages (31 and 28) post on Instagram and Snapchat and don’t use FB at all any longer.

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Instagram is probably my favorite social media. Less heavy on commenting and not as much of a time suck reading comments. Easy to quick “like” something (hit the heart or double tap the pic). Stories (at the top of the page) are entertaining.


REI has Athleta Trekkie north pants right now, and they seem similar to what you describe.

Thanks for the Instagram feedback. I installed it and set it up. I realize another social media account just gives one more way for my preferences to be tracked, but it I was hung up on that I’d not have any social media.

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