Random Questions

BB ^:)^ I’ve learned so much from you lately. And a green dot to greenwitch for asking.

Yay for random questions!.
Here’s one: Did anyone watch the PBS special on Carole King that just aired? It was excellent.

Thanks for the heads-up @jym626 ! Headed over to PBS website to watch!

I missed the first 10 minutes. Is it worth finding it to see the start?


Wow- I hadn’t realized I’d missed the first 20 minutes! Thanks, dragonmom!

I don’t want to turn this into a political question, more just about media and the process, but does it bother anyone else that they film live at the caucuses, both Iowa and now Nevada? As people debate their candidates in the caucuses, I don’t think its appropriate to have a “Caucus Cam” in their faces. Is this a new thing or did it happen 4 years ago as well?

Question for Bay Area residents and visitors: Have you been to the Legion of Honor yet to see Raphael’s Portrait of a Lady with a Unicorn? On loan from the Borghese Gallery, it is on exhibition in the United States for the very first time. I’ll be there next week and can’t wait to see it again. (I’ve seen it in Rome but I’m excited to see it here!) Any other art lovers out there who have seen it at the Legion or who are excited to see it? It is one of my favorite paintings.


Thank you, nottelling! I will be in SF mid-March and will definitely go see the painting.

I am also excited that one of my favorite designers will be featured at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco in March!


Oooh, excited about the de la Renta exhibition! They do an amazing job at the de Young with the fashion exhibitions. The Jean Paul Gaulthier exhibit was amazing. I’ve seen many others there, too, but I’m drawing a blank on who.

Random question, any Game of Thrones fans? I have read all of the books and watched most of the shows because we have never had, until this week because of a deal where it was included, HBO. I will get caught up by the new season.

I have found a very broad spectrum of people interested in this series. I recently met up with a first cousin who is a retired very successful heart surgeon. He began his medical career in the army and was actually the surgeon who accompanied Pres. R. Reagan in several of his trips including the important Iceland summit between Reagan and Gorbachev. He mentioned that he had read all of the books twice! Non GOT book readers, they are all near or over 1000 pages!

So, since the next HBO showing is w/o a book published, what do you think will happen?

Spoiler Alert!!!

I’ve heard that they will backtrack to Ned’s point of view. One thing always missing from the HBO series was Ned’s internal monologue and memories pertaining to his sister Lyanna. ("Promise me Ned, she said from her bed of blood). Many fans figured out long ago that Jon Snow may not be Ned’s son, but actually the son of his sister Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen. If so, he is the natural ruler along with his cousin Danerys.

My feeling is Jon Snow will come back to life (with the help of Mellisandre). Since he technically died, his vow to the Night’s Watch will be no more. Danerys and her dragons will come invade (at some point), but they will flock around Jon Snow like a bunch of kittens since he has dragon’s blood from his father.

Every single Frey will die, but some of the Lannisters will survive because they are so clever (Tyrion and maybe Jaime - Cersei is toast).

Cersei is MUCH more sympathetic in the TV series than in the books.

Health benefits of Poppy Seeds.

Poppy seeds add color and crunch to baked goods, but you’ll also gain nutrients, even from the amount sprinkled on top of a roll. They contain some niacin and folate, but poppy seeds are a better source of minerals. Just 1 teaspoon provides measurable amounts of calcium, iron and zinc.

I like lemon poppy seed muffins or pound cake.

I saw it there last weekend!

My question: Did you know there is a Bonnard exhibit going on as well? And one of Monet’s Water Lillies as part of the permanent collection?

No, I didn’t know there was a Bonnard exhibition but am happy to learn there is! And, yes, I’ve seen the Water Lillies there. Happy to learn that you saw the Raphael!

Never been to the museum, so I am excited! I will have a couple of days to kill in SF… That’s now the plan!

Did you know that the ugly art featuring junkyard jalopies are supposed to be gone from the SAM?


Dang–we were just in SF but won’t be back until May.

Great! Make sure that you plan on time for some pleasant walks on the trails in the park that the Legion of Honor is in; there are some of the most beautiful views of the San Francisco Bay and the coastline/ cliffs from that park than pretty much anywhere else in San Francisco.

The Museum of Fine Arts is actually housed in two buildings in two separate locations: the Legion of Honor that we’ve been talking about and the de Young. The de Young is in Golden Gate Park and is where the Oscar de la Renta show will be. I love the de Young! Make sure to go up to the bookstore/ observation tower for a completely different kind of spectacular 360 degree view of the urban landscape of SF. It is a true “cannot miss” experience. I really like the small Japanese garden next to the de Young, too, but it gets crowded sometimes.

I know you know SF well and don’t need advice but just in case you weren’t familiar with those two particular sites I thought I’d mention a few tips.

PS: Not familiar with the car sculpture!

Yea, have spent time at both places in SF and they are great. Am not yet sure how long this trip will be, as it will be a conference and some MD visits. So many choices!