Random Questions

Hmm. I didn’t realize AOL still existed.
I always learn something new on CC :slight_smile:

But to your question - assuming it works the way other email systems do, yes it should remember addresses that you have marked as spam even if you delete the email.


I know; I’m a dinosaur.

I still use AOL so people will underestimate me and think I’m a dinosaur! At least it’s my second address and not the one that goes back to dial up days. The days of “Do you need to use the phone? I want to go on the interwebs.” :wink:


My apologies, I meant no offense. I genuinely didn’t know AOL was still around, but I guess I didn’t articulate that properly. :disappointed:

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AOL, Yahoo, and Hotmail email are all owned by the same company now and have similar websites and service.

I, too, have an ancient email account with AOL. It’s from back when you could only have 5 letters before the @. Maybe 1995?


Embrace those email addresses! You are all OGs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My kids laugh at me with my AOL address. I tell them it means I’m an early adopter. I joined the email craze before anyone else.


I still have and often use my aol email, too. I consider us vintage. :joy:


I still use aol. I cringe to think of having to change email addresses everywhere I’ve shared one after 25+ years.


My original AOL email address got accidentally entered by so many random people that spam got crazy from wherever they were entering it. So I started a second AOL email that’s much harder to erroneously enter. I make judgment calls on when to notify the sender of the mistake - definitely medical centers. At one point I was getting someone else’s paid greeting cards so notified the sender via the thank you facility. I let a golf course in Orlando send “me” annual tee time reminders until I finally let them know.

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What do you know about and think about Montessori schools? My 4 yo GD and my 3 yo GD both started at one recently. (not sisters, but cousins). I’m anxious for them as they both had amazing day care providers and experience. I know they are both going to miss them terribly.

I am NOT an early adopter, I got my aol address in 2015 when I moved into my condo - wanted an address for retail stuff that wasn’t connected to the internet provider.
My kids were HORRIFIED!

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I love Montessori schools. Older son went K through 5th, son with autism K through 4th with a private aide, daughters preschool through 5th. Excellent experience, ability to have individual plans for learning, gained independence, fostered a love of learrning in each child. Our teachers were all certified, trained Montessori teachers; the elementary school teachers also state icensed.

The only thing I would be careful of is a preschool without certification, as I would have strong doubts that their classroom follows true Montessori principles or uses the Montessori materials correctly. Same with elementary classrooms that must follow their district’s curriculum.


We researched several elementary school alternatives for our children, and ultimately chose another path. However, I remember one school described one major difference with their testing philosophy vs. what is found in the “typical” education system. When testing was required by a school district, they preferred testing students EARLY in the academic year rather than at the end of the school year. The reason? To see what areas need work during that year, rather than discover what they missed at the end. Not sure if this is a Montessori philosophy, or just that particular school, but it seemed so logical!

Does anybody have experience of this, after helping with probate for elderly parents or friends?

Trying to do a bit of online research for an elderly, low income friend who had a long nursing home stay a few years ago and is worried about this. Appreciate any good website links or examples (can send PM). THANKS!

It’s national “talk like a pirate” day. Who here remembers when we used to “celebrate” and have fun with it here in cc? :person_raising_hand:


Arrr, I do, matey! :pirate_flag: :parrot:


If I’m trying to find info. On the latest SAVE program (student loan income based repayment plan), where do I look on CC? Any experts on benefits vs reasons not to do it, or what calculations to do/things to consider?

Has anybody use “liquid” screen protector (at Verizon store, cured in some kind o matching)? Based on reviews, I’m not going to try it but am curious.

I was considering replacing the Otter Box Amplify Glass on my iphone 12 mini before a trip. It’s available online, but I really wanted to have somebody else install it (like they did at Verizon store when phone was new… but this time harder because the old one, chipped at corner from many drops, needs to be removed).

There is a financial aid forum on CC but honestly I don’t remember seeing a thread on SAVE. You can use the search function but I would recommend just starting a new post in that forum with your question. You’ll get more responses there than here.

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