Random Questions

I use my wok a lot - I use it to make soups/stew and it is awesome for popcorn.


Thanks for the feedback!!

Colorado_mom - I did just that (to ease into it!) - bought some premade Asian meals from Trader Joe’s! Hub has a rice cooker so I think we can supplement the premade food with some additional homemade rice (a start!).

I have to figure this out!

If you will be doing high temperature stir fry, I would avoid non stick (Teflon) pans.


If you do still eat out (or do takeout) occasionally from a favorite local Asian place, consider “stretching” the leftovers by doing a quick pan fry with eggs.

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Who here regularly (or sort of) cleans out their dishwasher drain/filter??? I never really knew this was a thing! I tried to do it once on our previous dishwasher and the part I thought might be the filter…was not - luckily I was able to reattach it.

Do you clean it? How often? Where is it located - underneath the spinning thing on the bottom or to the side? Does it actually remove for cleaning or do you just manually clean it out?

Any other tips for good dishwasher health? I’m determined to keep our new to us one in better condition.


Our plumber told us to run white vinegar once/week to help keep the drain clean. That’s all I do. I’d have to do some disassembling of the bottom of the dishwasher to reach the drain which I’m not about to attempt.


I think I qualify as sort of regular - a couple times a year. On my Bosch, there’s a perforated stainless panel in the bottom under the spray arm. There’s a raised plastic drain cap in the center and a couple arrow markers to show how it aligns. Turn the drain cap to release this whole contraption. I just clean the stainless panel well and rinse out the drain filter. Sometimes it’s not too bad and other times it’s pretty nasty.

Sometimes I remember to run a cycle with LemiShine Dishwasher cleaner. It does help freshen it.

It’s easy to find user manuals online if you don’t still have yours. There should be directions on what to do for your model.


So just like a cup of vinegar in a measuring cup with the dishwasher empty otherwise??

Yes, I wish it was more standard or marked well!

1/2 cup of vinegar during a regular wash cycle (with dishes in it, along with detergent).


We started to clean the filter more regularly when our Bosch DW started acting out. Once fixed, we forgot again. :wink: Thanks for the reminder!


Our air gap started overflowing regularly. I read about a process to help clear the drain hose. Add half a cup each baking soda and white vinegar into the bottom drain and let sit 15 minutes. Then pour boiling water over it, and run a rinse cycle. I tried this in an empty dishwasher and the overflow is less. I plan to do it again. I think it breaks up crud that built up in the walls of the drain hose.

I’ve run a cup of white vinegar irregularly to clean the interior of the dishwasher itself. Still needs some manual labor to get the loosened guck off.

Also be sure to run your garbage disposal before running the dishwasher.


What is the “air gap”??? Good tip to be sure to run the disposal before starting the dishwasher.

Some dishwasher drainage systems include an overflow piece on the sink near the faucet. With our old Whirlpool, the drain hose goes from the dishwasher past the air gap, then on to the garbage disposal and out that way. The air gap prevents blocked discharge from backing up into the dishwasher.

I have learned all this quite recently because the overflow recently started happening. I think we have some sluggishness in the hose between the air gap and the garbage disposal. Whether that’s due to husband sometimes leaving garbage in the disposal, I cannot say (but do suspect).

Edit to add illustration.

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Where do you put the vinegar?

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I’ve definitely done a vinegar rinse but not consistently like weekly. I think this is a doable practice for me - weekly.

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I just pour it into the bottom of the machine.

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I’ve never done it in 16 years or so and the dishwasher is fine. On the other hand I still rinse my dishes first despite being told not to. I’d rather rinse than figure out how to clean out the drain.


When our detergent dispensing door stopped popping open, I found advice to run a full cycle with an empty dishwasher with a cup of vinegar sitting upright on the top rack. It worked like a charm and the whole unit was much cleaner afterward.

I have a Bosch and do remove and clean the bottom filter every few weeks.


Our DW will be 30 years old next month. Supposedly it has a grinder - we don’t empty a filter. Sometimes though there is gunk to be cleaned out of bottom or the sprayer arm nozzles. We rarely rinse our dishes, but I think when we replace this one someday the newer model will use less water… so I might need to learn to do so then.

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