Random Questions

@Colorado_mom - if you turn them inside out they are reusable. Do not try to mail something in them right side out. The post office sorts those separately and they likely will end up back at an Amazon hub.


Here’s one. Is it okay if your fish oil capsules smell slightly fishy? I have noticed they almost always have a slight smell, though last time I returned them because it was gross, they were obviously rancid. Then I started googling, and some sites say it’s okay to smell slightly fishy, and others say no smell. So I don’t know!

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I’m not sure but my husband used to put his in the freezer as that was supposed to help with smell. Now he buys ones that aren’t smelly.


I had heard that, too. Though I don’t really care if they smell anymore, I just don’t want to be taking rancid ones, which apparently could have some negative effects.

Nuts and oils containing unsaturated fatty acid tails (antioxidants) can oxidize if exposed to oxygen in the air over a prolonged period. The products of this degradation create the rancid smell and taste and are not good for you. The rate of this degradation accelerates with increasing temperature and light exposure. It makes sense to store nuts and fish oils in the fridge or even freeze them.

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Wow, I had never thought about rancid nuts. We have a couple of huge bags of Costco walnuts in the cupboard. One is expired but both bags taste fine. I didn’t know they had such a short shelf life.:flushed:

I store all nuts in the fridge. Have some nuts that are a couple of years old and taste just fine.

If the nuts don’t smell or taste rancid, they should be fine to eat.


I store raw nuts in the freezer, and only take out what I will use at the time.


I don’t even know what rancid nuts would taste like. Ugh!

Not good!! :nauseated_face:


I re-bag large bags of nuts into smaller snack size amounts and put the bags into larger freezer bag in freezer. I just pull out what I want to use as I need it.


I usually buy the big bag of walnuts at Sam’s. I keep in fridge. I also make a smaller container of finely chopped walnuts to put into yogurt etc.

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Honestly, I had no idea you were supposed to refrigerate nuts. Jeez, what other important things don’t I know?


If you eat through them fast enough, there is no need to refrigerate! I usually bring a few pounds of mac nuts from Hawaii around for baking… or cooking… so fridge is a perfect storage place for them as we don’t consume them quickly (plus my husband has no idea to look for them in the bottom bin of the fridge… :shushing_face:) :laughing:

You hide food from your husband too, I see. :rofl:If I even want a shot at a handful of chips or popcorn, I have to hide them!


I freeze my nuts - I usually buy at Costco and so bigger quantities and they will be fine for a long time!

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OOOh, I LOL’ed!! So many quips to respond with!!!

:flushed: sounds uncomfortable to me


Does anyone own this Breville Toaster Oven/Air Fryer?

We’ve had a similar Breville Toaster Oven for a long time (before air fryers were a “thing”). It recently just died in the middle of baking something. Just shut off and no longer will turn on. With four kids, it got daily use for all the years we owned it.

We never jumped on the air fryer craze as we didn’t want another appliance. But now that we need to replace our toaster oven, while researching I see that many have an included air fryer option. The Breville seems to get best reviews. With three of our kids home for the holidays, and Thanksgiving around the corner when an extra oven would be useful, I’d like to replace the toaster oven soon.

Any thoughts on this one or do you own a different one (toaster/air fryer combo, no just one or the other) that you recommend?

To start, nope, I don’t own that one.

I also had a treasured, often used toaster oven that died suddenly after a good productive life last spring. My kids had been bugging me to get an air fryer claiming “it will change your life” :slight_smile: . So since I couldn’t make a decision on a particular toaster oven, I sprang for an air fryer during a Prime Day type sale.

Let me tell you, I don’t miss that toaster oven at all! The air fryer for us has been able to do the tasks we needed (we didn’t make toast in our toaster oven) and better. It’s just H and me most of the time in our house now but I have no plans to buy a toaster oven anymore.

That said, I have heard some people say that they are not sure the combo units (air fryer and toaster oven) are as true to performance as an air fryer as a stand alone air fryer. Maybe others can chime in on this.

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