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Our AZ kitchen has three full built-in ovens (2 convection, 1 trivection), a full-size built-in convection microwave, and a built-in warming drawer, none of which we’ve ever used all at once (the house came with them). When it came time to replace the appliances in the cabin, DH had some crazy ideas about what new-fangled technology we could put in there. I let him dream for a bit then reminded him that cooking in a cabin in the woods could probably be handled with just the fire pit and his smoker. His crestfallen look made me relent on the air-fryer oven which, as I posted above, we haven’t used yet. Honestly, even though we consider ourselves above-average cooks, and we entertain a lot, we don’t cook beyond the threshold of standard appliances/grills and don’t use half of the fancy features we have.


We don’t cook meat. I bake the occasional loaf of bread, biscuits, homemade pizza, cake, cookies, pie, and casserole in the big oven. Almost everything else goes in the toaster oven/air fryer – toast (obvs), home fries, roasted veggies, reheating leftovers like pizza.

@bunsenburner, Where do you find celeriac for that roasted root veggie recipe? Checked the local Wegmans and not even they have it. My H would actually eat this, so I am very interested!

I’ve seen it at a couple local organic grocery chains. I think the dish would be just fine if you skip the celery root!

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I’m kind of embarrassed I didn’t notice this before, but just realized last night that the built in microwave in our new house is also a convection oven. I’ve heard of an oven/convection oven (ours is that) but not a microwave/convection oven! Can I truly use the convection and bake like a casserole in it??? I could use the extra room with multiple cooks in the house the next couple of days!!!

And the research I’ve done seems to indicate that I can use foil in that appliance WHEN using the convection setting???

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YES! Absolutely, yes. Your convection microwave oven is a real oven, just smaller. In convection mode, you can use it just like your regular oven, no concerns about putting metal in there. If you do not have the manufacturer’s instruction book, you can simply Google for how to cook or bake whatever you want to put in there for any additional guidance or tips but, really, it’s just a smaller oven and works like your larger one. You can cook/bake anything in it that will fit. Also, it’s more efficient to use the smaller oven for smaller things. For example, I always bake pies in my convection microwave; no sense heating a larger space when a smaller one will do.

Congratulations on having multiple ovens for the holidays. :blush:


Any experiences with a game called Uzzel?

Hubby has a new bike. He’ll store the serial number in a safe place. Daughter has a new bike too (her old one was stolen from a 2nd story deck - yikes!)

Any experience with this? It appears to be free. Doing a filter on 100 mile radius, lots of stolen bikes, a few marked FOUND.

I don’t, but we like having an AirTag on the bike.

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Thanks for the feedback. We are thinking about AirTag too. Just not sure we’ll find a way to hide so not obvious.

One of my neighbors hid hers under a reflector she put on.


Ours sits between the water bottle cage and the frame. You need a special screwdriver to remove it.


Search Bike AirTag holder on Amazon, many options available. We’ve used both the one under a reflector and the one under the cup holder. I like the cup holder one better.

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Is there an equivalent product to airtags for those of us with Android phones?


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Yes, Samsung. I used them to track my luggage to and from Iceland.

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We got Tile trackers to use on our Android phones (both Pixels) when we flew overseas for S2’s wedding. Worked just fine! We tested them locally before we did the big trip to make sure everything worked.

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For those of you “up” on Montessori schools, I have a question. Knowing a bit of their philosophy, is it safe to say they do not say anything negative about a child in their reports home?

hmmm… it’s been a while but I think there is some diplomatic stuff, like, “Jane is wonderful at a and b. She is working hard to get better at c.”

Stuff like that. But yeah, very little is flat-out negative.

It’s been 15 years since I had a child in Montessori elementary. I will say their school is trending less Montessori: less true Montessori trained teachers, less use of Montessori materials, less true Montessori methods. Very disappointing to me. The preschools my kids attended still are authentic.

Like @Gatormama, no direct negative, more redirection towards xyz.