Random Questions

3151 with notifications off and no cleanup ever.

No bookmarks, ever. Just open the Parent Cafe and scan, open the Parents Forum and scan.

4 bookmarks, no notifications. Parent Cafe, Parent Forum, latest posts now and then.

Don’t even understand bookmarks. Just open up cafe and read new posts that interest me. Same with Parent Forum. Sometimes Financial aid section. Very occasionally other sections.

I thought I was bad at 5 pages, maybe 100. I try to cull that down to 3 pp.
You bookmark so you have an option to Latest, a way to just get to the posts you were following. You aren’t slogging through the “Desperate” chances threads to find where you were.

My bookmark page is the one I, uh, bookmark and come to first on CC. It shows me quickly all the threads I am interested in following and if there are any new posts in them. I always read it first, often I ONLY read that, not the other forums.

I really miss being able to bookmark forums. On the old CC I had bookmarks for all the colleges my kid was considering, the cafe, the music major forum, etc.

About 700 bookmarks, notification only for my inbox, favorite tab on chrome opens me to the latest bookmarked posts.

Did the previous iteration of this site do some automatic bookmark somehow? Because I have TON and only recently did I start bookmarking so I could easily find a thread.

Jym, I noticed that if I accidentally touch the little star next to a thread, my light finger swipe would bookmark it. Of course, the stars are placed closer to the edge of the screen where I am more likely to swipe my finger as I am holding the phone.

I never had them until this version, when I chose to.

Yes. If you posted in a thread it automatically bookmarked it.

I had very few bookmarks until someone started a thread on them a month or two ago and now I have almost eighty! I do wish we could bookmark Forums. Instead, I book mark a thread in the college or major (or whatever) forum and then back up from there (easier than finding it in the list). I think I will start using the Latest Post feature now–I hadn’t really noticed it before but it will make me look at things outside of the Parent Forum and Cafe and Financial Aid where I spend most of my time now.

Latest Post feature is one I’ve tried and it is sadly filled with Chance Me threads :frowning:

I have over 2000 bookmarks though most discussions are dead. I do it so I can easily get to the conversations I am taking part of (or just reading). Particularly useful with slow discussions because it may already be done a few pages on a forum or latest post page but will be higher up on my bookmarks page.

Ah- between the “fat finger” hitting the star, the bookmarking of any thread I posted in, and the purposeful bookmarks so I can find the thread again, that explains the gazillion bookmarks, I guess.

Moderation question: do the mods have access to our PM’s or do they remain private between the sender and the recipient?

PM’s are by definition private. We do not have access to them.

Assume that anything we post on the Internet can be made public at some point of time by someone.


Additionally, assume that anything you post, even if later deleted, will still be available in google cache.