Random Questions

I don’t assume. I know that for a fact. :slight_smile: If a deleted thread can be magically brought back… Meta, I think?

Has anyone else experienced an exploding watermelon? I was in bed tonight, and my son came up to say we had a watermelon issue. It was sitting on my solid wood dining table, which sits on the only very nice carpet we have. I just purchased the watermelon a couple of days ago, but I guess it went bad, and exploded. Most of the outside was still in tact, but the inside was not - it was mostly on the tablecloth, table, rug, floor, etc. Spent the last 90 minutes or so cleaning it up. I now have two fans running and I’m hoping the carpet will be OK.

Yikes! Sounds messy. Good thing your son noticed it and it didn’t sit like that overnight. That would have sucked for the carpet and the wood table.

I always store my watermelons in the fridge so haven’t had that issue. I like it chilled.

Yes, I know someone who set their melon on a wood floor for a few days and never was able to fix the damage to the floor finish after the watermelon disintegrated.
I had a medium sized pumpkin (not carved) sitting on my mantle during the fall season one year. One day I could see pumpkin mush dripping down. That messed up the wood finish on the mantle, too, as it had sat there for a while in that condition…

Would anyone like to explode a watermelon?

The fun begins around 2:30.


Yuck. It sounds like the rotting insides created pressure, and the weakest part of the rind gave in and worked as a pressure relief valve. Yuck. Sorry to hear about that,

It probably looked good in slo mo…


(Start watching at about 1:55 into the video)

My daughter changed the kibble we give our dog and it didn’t agree with him. Not exactly an exploding watermelon but lots of clean up involved.

I’d rather have the exploding watermelon than the exploding dog. :stuck_out_tongue:

I had a question about Taco Tuesday’s…but I think I’ll wait to ask until this current topic has moved on to something else.

Well I’m happy to Report house doesn’t smell today, and carpet seems to have dried. I was worried we might be stuck with some watermelon smell for quite some time, and/or have to get the carpet professionally cleaned ($200). I’m glad we haven’t purged the fans.

Yes, I was surprised when I saw some watermelons at the supermarket foaming. The produce guy quickly removed them and told me they were spoiled from the inside. He helped me select a great watermelon, but I was surprised as I had never seen foam coming out of watermelons before. This is definitely something to keep in mind and good reason for buying ripe produce and refrigerating it and eating it promptly.

When buying a watermelon with a thin skin, like Dulcinea, give it a gentle squeeze. If it feels squishy, it is overripe.

I wonder if this is something more prevalent with newer varieties. I miss the huge old fashioned style watermelon full of big, black seeds. They tasted so much better.

At our supermarket, you can still buy the huge watermelons with the big black seeds and yes, they are still sweeter (to me) than the newer seedless varieties. The small Thai ones are very cute and fit nicely in the refrigerators, but not as sweet as the old-fashioned varieties.

Be careful that carpet is really dry, down deep.

Flip the carpet over. Vacuum. Put it out in the sun. Repeat. You do not want a colony of fruit flies.

Thanks - The carpet is all the way dry, and it doesn’t smell or appear to be sticky, So I think we are good. I did lift the rug up where it was wet, rinsed it with lots of water (with a towel underneath it too) and put fans so they would hit both sides. But I will certainly keep an eye on it for several days. Any sign off fruit flies and off to the professional cleaners it goes.

Random question - Anyone watch the sharknado movies? sharknado 4 is coming out. My kids and DH think they are a hoot. I’ve not watched more than a snipit of one or 2. Do I need to catch up? How silly/campy are they?

Oh and another random question: How do you get tomato sauce stains out of Tupperware? I’ve tried bleach and Mr Clean Magic sponges . No luck.

I don’t have a good solution for removing tomato stains from Tupperware, but you can prevent the staining by spraying the container first with Pam.