Random Questions

It may very well be the washer. The inner workings get cruddy over time and the water is no longer as clear. (Similar issue with dishwashers.) It can also be your water from the tap. And they way detergents work or not.

Keep a supply of new t-shirts, saved for when you need the crisp, new look. Buy 'em on sale and hang on to them.

The benefits of living here outweigh the disadvantages of the politics here, @veryhappy,

Not so much random but parental perspective/advice…
Found out son’s GF came for a visit this past weekend to his college. She’s a senior in HS and he has mid-terms.
I knew she was missing him but really?..
I’m more upset with her mom who allowed her to fly cross country…
How to deal with parents who put no limits on their daughter…
And I know my son is a young adult but in my estimation young "love"can wait till Thanksgiving break…

Mr. B and I vote the Sunday night before the Election Day. We pull our bulletin, open the ballot envelopes, get some snacks, a glass of wine (this election might need a coupe), and go through the positions one by one. Read the most entertaining bios of the most obscure candidates, laugh, grind our teeth… It is a process! Most of the time, we agree, but there has been some disagreement! :slight_smile: Monday morning, Mr. drops me off at the park and ride and then drops the envelopes into the mailbox next to work.

@tonymom If I’m being honest, I don’t see anything wrong with your son’s gf visiting. Would another weekend have been better if he should be studying for midterms? Probably, but that scheduling mistake is all on your son. He could have planned it for a different weekend. I don’t think it is fair to blame the GF and definitely not her mother. As far as her missing him, I bet he’s been missing her as well otherwise the visit would not have been agreed to. It’s a two way street. But, maybe I’m just a softie because I do think people that age can be in love rather than in “love”.

Thanks for feedback. S is certainly responsible for timing as well but I’ve spoken with him about his judgement. My concern is pointed at GF mom in that the GF is young for her class level and rather immature. If she were my D I certainly would have said “no”. There may have been a teenage temper tantrum but so be it.
But I do appreciate your POV. Thanks.

Regarding voting absentee, my D16 was beyond thrilled that her absentee ballot arrived with an I Voted sticker. She plans to wear it as soon as she mails back the ballot and then transfer it to a new outfit everyday for as long as she possibly can. Now if she can just hunt down a stamp so she can mail it back.

@tonymom- is the gf a minor?

No way would I have let my HS daughter fly across the country to see a BF. Poor parental judgment, IMO.

WHY is it poor parental judgment? I really curious to hear why. Would you let them fly to visit a friend in college?You do realize this is a senior in high school, someone who will be in college themselves in less than a year? I would love to hear the reasoning and concerns.

Personally, I’d wonder why this 16 or 17 year old couldn’t wait for the BF to come home on a break. Plus all the questions about where she’d overnight. We know hs kids still have growing to do (yup, even in fall semester of senior year,) to learn about balance and judgment.

Now if this were her college visit, I might see it differently. But I;d be asking myself, what’s the rush? it sounds more romantic-y than mature.

Well, I would have been the one paying for it, so it wouldn’t have happened.

There’s a lot of growing and maturing going on during that last year of HS. I wouldn’t encourage a LDR at that age. Let the college student experience that first year unencumbered and my daughter finish her HS years without wishing she were someplace else.

I have two daughters and wouldn’t have let them spend the night with a local BF at that age (yes, I know they did things, but we still had a long ways to go before that separation/independence happened.

I’ve asked myself if it were my son who was the HS senior and he wanted to fly cross country to see GF who is frosh in college if I’d be ok with it and I still wouldn’t. My theory is…if it’s meant to be they can wait till break to see each other. Sure there are plenty of distractions in college but let’s not add to them :wink:
And said GF is used to getting her way so I’m sure parent took the path of least resistance.
BTW- I would have objected to a HS buddy visiting during mid-terms too…
@jym626 GF is a year younger than my son but is also very immature.

I don’t know that I would forbid my theoretical HS senior from visiting a boyfriend/girlfriend at college. I’d probably be too cheap to pay for it, though. :). Which means my son never would have been able to do such a thing because he would never have had the money in HS. His sister is another story.

@tonymom -so she is an immature minor?

@jym626 no not a minor.

She’s a high school senior yes? So she must have recently turned 18? Still not old enough to drink and will be on a college campus that’s a separate issue.

Well, there are plenty of 18 year olds on college campuses. :slight_smile:

Not sure that’s an issue for colleges as many incoming students don’t turn 18 till they are there. I have a December birthday and didn’t turn 18 till mid way through my freshman year in college.
It is tricky tho :-/

Minor point, but I would not describe someone who is 18 in October of senior year as young for her class level.

She close to the age both of my kids were when they started college.