Random Questions

If Goofy is a dog, and Pluto is a dog, how come one of them is an autonomous character and wears clothes and the other is a pet and runs around in the buff?

And why does Donald duck wear a shirt and no pants?

The lint question was serious. WHy should fabric continue to throw off stuff after multiple washes, especially if little of it is cotton?

I just read the Quantum Theory of Laundry which states that the dryer is a closed loop. A wave function converts missing socks into lint. If you ever want to see your sock again, you have to leave the lint so another wave can convert it back to the sock.

I also read that clothing continually is shedding tiny bits of thread from the weave. Static cling keeps them on the clothes, then they also stay on the wet clothes in the washer. But the hot air of the dryer separates them from the cloth. Other bits of flotsam and jetsam also cling to clothes and end up as lint (pet hair, dust, etc.).

Yeah, you have to think of what weave really is- little hairs woven around each other. Tumbling, scruffing, and stressing loosens them up. Kind of like your precise hair-do, after you leave the salon.

And I always thought socks go to sock heaven…

Or just ran away with the pool guy.

I’m sorry but I have all of your socks.

So if one wanted to move – oh, say, to Canada – to live fulltime, does one need special “permission” from the US government? From Canada? Do you pay both US and Canadian taxes? If one earns money in Canada working for a US company, how is that taxed? And so on and so forth. Just – ummmm – thinking. [-O<

You would need to apply to the US government for residency if you stay beyond 90 days, I believe.

They may be seeing many applications soon. It’s not easy to start with and may get more difficult. You don’t need permission from the US government to live abroad.

For those with single young adult children, what do your kids do when choosing a beneficiary for their employer provided benefits like life insurance and such? Parents? Siblings?

I had D1 chose me. I’d know what to do and how to be fair re: her sister.

My son put H and me as primary beneficiaries at 50% each.

S chose me, as I’m considerably younger than H and listed D as contingent beneficiary.

Yes, D2 is the contingent. And until I was married, though living with future DH, my mother was my beneficiary.

Older son initially split insurance half me, half DH, til he got married. I assume he has changed all that. Younger s has listed his longtime GF, as he said (and is correct) she needs the $ more than we do. I Should that relationship for some reason not survive (doubtful- looks pretty serious) I’ll try to remmember to tell him to change his beneficiary.

Pretty sure son has his g/f as beneficiary.

Single son made me his beneficiary.

New question:

I need to get rid of paint cans that have been in my garage (translation: Extreme temperatures) since at least four years ago when we moved into the house. The paint is all cruddy. I read that adding kitty litter will solidify the paint, which can then be thrown in the trash and the can into recycling. I did that, but the paint + kitty litter combo hardened so much that I can’t get it out of the can! Did I do it wrong? Should I not have added so much kitty litter? Is there a formula to follow?

@VeryHappy: Are you seeking to dispose of it yourself, and bypass any fee associated with taking it to a local disposal/recycling facility? Doing one of the latter might save you the aggravation.