Random Questions

OK, PMing you my address (again!). :wink:

I made lasagna, using some ground beef that had been in the freezer. The lasagna turned out to be big enough for around 12 people. Since it’s just DH and me, I cut it up and froze it in serving-size pieces. Will I kill us both by freezing, defrosting, cooking and then refreezing and defrosting the meat?


Just curious, if you cut it up and froze it in serving size pieces why would you need to refreeze again? Isn’t that the point of serving sizes, so you can defrost only what you need?

@ClaremontMom , I think @VeryHappy is concerned that the meat was frozen once and now will be frozen again in serving portions. @VeryHappy I think it’s a quality issue rather than a safety issue and I don’t think the quality of ground beef in lasagne will be very noticeable.

My mom does this all the time. I haven’t died yet. :slight_smile:

At least for macaroons, I think it’s fairly common to toast the coconut first. Here’s one recipe:

You’re a renaissance man, @skieurope!

Thanks @alooknac - that makes more sense! I misread the post.

@doschicos I will come to your house and eat all of your toasted coconut. I think I must be 50% coconut, I love it so much. (the other 50% is regular nut).

There was a lady on my tennis team who sprinkled toasted coconut on top of a salad she made (we get assigned a salad or a dessert, etc when we play at home), and it was delicious!

Random Question: Why am I allergic to coconut? (Technically, just the coconut milk/butter, but I avoid it all because hives and adrenaline shots are not fun.) At least it’s not chocolate or peanuts that I’m allergic to.

I have half a leftover rotisserie chicken. DH hates casseroles. What else (besides chick salad) can I make for dinner??

Chicken A La King?

Chicken Enchiladas? Or a big pot of chicken tortilla soup? It’s raining where I am so a big pot of soup sounds good…

Shredded or chopped and used in asian style lettuce wraps or in some kind of taco/tortilla thing? You can also make buffalo chicken style lettuce or tortilla wraps.

I also like to use leftover chicken in a tomato based pasta sauce with onions and peppers, kind of like a cacciatore sauce.

Here’s an easy and quick soup recipe:

I use my leftover chicken to make either stuffed peppers or chicken corn soup.

I wound up making a thing with cream of mushroom soup (with lots of cooking sherry added to make it more grown-up), sauteed onion, carrots and asparagus, and sprinkled with slivered almonds. Served it with rice. It’s not his favorite, but that was all there was in the house. We’re going away for a week tomorrow and I’m quite proud of myself for having pulled something together from basically nothing.

@VeryHappy - I love the feeling when I create a dinner with what I have in my refrigerator and pantry. I feel especially good when I finish up whatever vegetables I have in the house without any getting wasted.
Last night I made chicken tacos with leftover rotisserie chicken. I even fried the shells which is something I rarely do. My H was thrilled.
Added- my new favorite thing is using my InstantPot pressure cooker to make a nice chicken broth out of the rotisserie chicken carcass.

Why do celebrities always get away with claiming to be hospitalized “for exhaustion”? The press never calls BS on that, and I wonder why? The press never shies away any other time from telling it how it is with celebrities; in fact, they often elaborate on the stories they report to the point that it is complete fiction.

In all the years I have worked in hospitals, I’ve never seen anyone admitted for “exhaustion.”

I just want to know why a precise, but simple, Google search brings up so many completely unrelated links.