<p>a dream is a wish your heart makes...</p>
<p>Omega, ricochet, shift, rendezvous, and quantum mechanics are my favorite words.</p>
<p>i like spam</p>
<p>funny games aren't really funny.</p>
<p>but theyre definitely games.</p>
<p>no they're just games not definite games</p>
<p>yes, they are games, just not in the regular sense.</p>
<p>but they arent funny...though they can be funny in the sense that they arent funny... and so they could be funny... in a sarcastic sort of way...</p>
<p>i so got that...</p>
<p>i too got that. way to keep your thread alive lain.</p>
<p>i like the word slope</p>
<p>i like the name Colorado. say it, it sounds cool</p>
<p>sdrawkcab is backwards backwards.</p>
<p>i had spam for dinner today</p>
<p>Just read 1300 posts. Yah!</p>
<p>"typewriter" is the longest word u can type using only one row of keys (the top row in this case) on a QWERTY keyboard</p>
<p>gaiaonline is one of the biggest and most popular online forums...</p>
<p>Goldfish, that makes me feel special.</p>
<p>how does that make you feel special?</p>