Rank em!!

<p>Hey guys,
Could anyone plz provide me with the sites for the latest engg rankings?? I have tried searching through a million of them but land up only with the top three or top 10. Or please care to post em if possible......</p>

<p>ya i really need them also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>bump !!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>Here are the lasr rankings of undergraduate Engineering programs.</p>

<li>Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 4.9 </li>
<li>Stanford University (CA) 4.7 </li>
<li>University of California–Berkeley * 4.7 </li>
<li>California Institute of Technology 4.5 </li>
<li>U. of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign * 4.5 </li>
<li>Georgia Institute of Technology * 4.4 </li>
<li>University of Michigan–Ann Arbor * 4.4 </li>
<li>Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 4.3 </li>
<li>Cornell University (NY) 4.3 </li>
<li>Purdue Univ.–West Lafayette (IN)* 4.3 </li>
<li>University of Texas–Austin * 4.2 </li>
<li>Princeton University (NJ) 4.1 </li>
<li>Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison * 4.1 </li>
<li>Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.9 </li>
<li>Northwestern University (IL) 3.9 </li>
<li>Texas A&M Univ.–College Station * 3.9 </li>
<li>Virginia Tech * 3.9 </li>
<li>Pennsylvania State U.–University Park * 3.8 </li>
<li>Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (NY) 3.8 </li>
<li>Rice University (TX) 3.8 </li>
<li>Univ. of Minnesota–Twin Cities * 3.8 </li>
<li>Duke University (NC) 3.7 </li>
<li>Univ. of California–Los Angeles * 3.7 </li>
<li>Univ. of California–San Diego * 3.7 </li>
<li>Univ. of Maryland–College Park * 3.7 </li>
<li>University of Washington * 3.7</li>

<p>are there any more by chance................</p>

<p>That list only includes schools that offer doctoral degrees in engineering; it leaves out masters-only colleges, like Cal Poly SLO.</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure I saw a ranking of engineering schools without doctorates on the U.S. News website, but you need the Premium Edition to view it. (not really worth it :P)</p>