Rank my Activities??

Hi guys! Most of my activities don’t last more than two years because I moved from Korea to America my junior year. In Korea, I attended a military base school. I’m struggling a lot :frowning: please help me rank my activities for common app. I want to apply to accelerated medical programs and show my interest in STEM.

orchestra (all 4 years, I was concert mistress for a year)
string quartet (1 year, I created it at my new school)
far east music- Basically a selective event between all the military schools in the Pacific (2 years, I was first violin second chair)
kimea- Equivalent of All State (1 year, first violin 9th chair)
Johns hopkins internship (1 year, chemistry/materials science)
hospital internship (over the summer, over 100 hours)
science olympiad (2 years, won two awards at regionals)
MUN (3 years, I even brought it back to my new school)
share the care- Tutoring program for underprivileged Koreans (3 years, I’m an administrator now)
math nhs (2 years, I’m the vice president now)
Class vice president (1 year, freshman year)
math and violin tutor (2 years, Paid to tutor)

It looks like you have more than 10 activities - maybe Math NHS can go in Honors section? I would put Orchestra first bc it is all 4 years, followed by MUN. Maybe you could also combine far east music and kimea into one activity (i.e., Music Competitions, or whatever describes it best), Share the Care should also be high up on your list. Good luck!