Rank my chances? Stanford, Harvard, Duke, etc.

Stanford SCEA
Claremont Mckenna
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
UNC Chapel Hill-Robertson Scholarship</p>

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>Could you rank my chances for the above-mentioned schools? Do my ECs make up for my good-but-not-great SAT scores? Most importantly, do I have a better-than-average chance at Stanford and Harvard?</p>

<p>Thank you so much in advance!</p>


<p>Ethnicity/Gender: Russian, Male</p>

<p>School: Top 50 in California in terms of API</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0/4.0 (UW) 4.6/4.0 (W)
Most difficult schedule with 10 Honors/AP Classes completed so far</p>

<p>Rank: ~10/300</p>

<p>SAT I: 2120 (710 V 700 M 710 W)
SAT II: Lit-710 Math IIC-780 Biology M-710</p>

<p><strong>I have also completed 45 quarter units at community college (GPA: 4.0) and have additionally earned enough units for a minor in philosophy at UCLA (4.0). I started taking these classes in 6th grade and have continued to take one or two every summer since. I had to work to pay for these classes (>$5,000 overall)!</strong></p>

<p>PSAT: National Merit Semi-Finalist (220)</p>

<p>ECs: </p>

<p>Voting Member of a City Commission
9th, 10th, 11th, ASB President
Boys State
Insane amount of community service (>1000 hrs) for an organization which does social justice work with low-income families in the LA area.
(I have presented my experiences at national and international conferences.)</p>

Organizing a large (~500) student protest in a three days (and two sleepless nights...)</p>

Grading papers-3 years
Semester internship at Animal Pathology Laboratory </p>

Teachers, Councilors-MY STRONGEST ASSEST! My teachers, councilors and I work very closely for Student Government stuff (as in... I drop by their houses just to say "hi").</p>


<p>It's hard for a white male from Cali. to get into Harvard with those scores, but your EC's and grades are very nice.</p>

<p>Probabilities of admission in my opinion:
Harvard - 33.33% (will depend on your personality as conveyed through interview and essays)
Stanford - 62%
Duke - 92%
Each of the others that you listed: 99%</p>

<p>85 looks and only 1 reply?</p>

<p>2120 SAT and he has a 33% chance of getting into harvard?</p>

<p>sorry, but those chances are way too modest. it's lower i think</p>

<p>buddy, honestly, you have a tremendous shot, your courseload is incredible and your unweighted Gpa is perfect!!! You have a phenoemal shot at harvard, id say like 60-70 percen. Your a shoo-in at duke. the sat is a bit distasteful, but come on, everything else is incredible. good luck</p>

<p>I think u have a great shot at all those schools u mentioned...u show real dedication to ur commuinity and to ur school work, certainly plusses in any adcom's eyes. Good job and good luck!</p>

<p>No one with a below average (for the school) SAT has a 60-70% chance at any college. Not even close.</p>

<p>and btw, the SAT's are not bad at all --- maybe by CC standards, they are not up to snuff, but I dont think they r looking for all 2300+, 750+ * 3 ppl., what a boring class that would be. Besides, for most of the schools on that list, the avg. admit has SAT's similar to yours. Dont worry about it.</p>

<p>just one more bump...</p>

<p>what do you think my chances are zagat?</p>

<p>I think you should redo your list. I think harvard and Stanford will be reaches (30% chance tops), but you look good for the rest. Duke, Williams, and Pomona could go either way. I suggest adding Amherst and Dartmouth, both are very in line with the schools you are applying to and would be good to toss in there. No real need for both UCD and USC as you are getting into one of the others and Cal/ Michigan/ Claremont McKenna for sure.</p>

<p>I think you have a good shot at the CMC and Georgetown level schools. Simply, when any aspect of your stats is below average, and you're white/asian non athlete, URM, etc, your chances can't be good.</p>

<p>What do you think about a lower level Ivy, such as Brown?</p>

<p>Reasonable shot at Brown. Your stats, IMO, make you someone who needs a fabulous application. I'd get all the help you can and just hope you're lucky.</p>

<p>I can just see this conversation happening between you and your friends:</p>

<p>"Tim, come out and play with us!"
"Nah, I gotta go take college courses at UCLA."
"But why, you're only in sixth grade?"
"Yeah, I know, but it's gonna get me into a sick college!"</p>

<p>Maybe you were very precocious, but I don't think many sixth-graders have enough acadmic motivation to take college-level courses in the summer just to feel smarter. I'm very cynical, sorry. I'm probably wrong, and at least the fact that you paid for the classes yourself should show that you didn't have any ulterior motives for taking summer courses in middle school.</p>

<p>haha emperor</p>

<p>...it brings back sad memories of my childhood...</p>


<p>jtwizzle is a troll by the way (and a good one at that). Your chances at Harvard are around 10% max. The protest thing isn't really a hook, even if it was a bush-bashing/anti-iraq-war/pro-liberal-whatever one, the elitest liberals at Harvard would like that, but it's not that big of a deal IMO.</p>

<p>SAT score's pretty low for Harvard. Your ECs are good though not spectacular, and I'm not sure "grading papers" counts much as job. Nonetheless, keep up the work and pray...even if you're not religious.</p>