Rank programs by prestige

sorry if this has been done before, I’m just a little curious how they stack up against each other


I think my personal ranking would be somewhat in the order that I listed, though I’m not entirely sure where BWSI would land.

consider writing out the schools

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I would say in this order (TBH not too sure where BWSI places either):

Garcia (Stony Brook)

This ranking is by no means completely accurate, it is very subjective and all programs are amazing (I think Stony Brook Garcia, BU RISE, and MIT BWSI are very close in ranking)

I think i would mostly agree with this, i think of these programs as like 3 levels
ssp is crazy
rise bwsi and garcia are all good, though bwsi is a bit different
sip and cosmos are less selective but still ok

all of them associated with a school are written out, ssp and cosmos have multiple locations

u will get more feedback if u write them out.

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I agree with @nichaeluwill. Also I don’t think prestige is necessarily the best criterion for anything. Are you doing a summer program in order to enhance chances for admission to college? I don’t think you need to. And if genuine interest is your reason for going, that’s great, but “fit” is most important, not prestige.

I know I haven’t answered your question but I don’t know those programs and would need them written out to more easily research.

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i mean honestly, i would be happy wherever I went, just curious about the prestige (i didn’t even apply to half of them, im not trying to figure out where i should go based on prestige)

Please write these out without abbreviations.

ETA…the only rankings that should matter to you are your own rankings. Which ones fall in what order…for you.

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Summer Science Program, Boston University RISE, MIT Beaverworks summer institute, Garcia Summer Program at Stony Brook, University of California Santa Cruz Summer Internship Program, UCs COSMOS

im just looking for other input. like i said, i’m not using this to choose between them because I didn’t even apply to half of them, i’m just curious