2 Double legacy + Grandparent legacy
3 Professionally published work (poetry, science, etc)
4 URM Black/Hispanic
5 URM Native American
6 Low income + First generation
7 Disability (hearing loss, loss of a limb, wheelchair, etc.)
8 Single legacy
9 Varsity 4 years + 2 years as captain of 2 tennis and basketball
10 Born in an exotic country, grew up in 5 different countries, fluent in 4 languages.</p>
<p>is it both low income and first generation that is a hook or is it just one? i'm both but i'm just wondering....</p>
<p>you guys, URM native american is definitely better than URM black/hispanic.</p>
<p>I'm thinking that Native Americans (URM's) have higher acceptance rates than legacies...</p>
<p>1 -RSI/TASP
2 -Double Legacy + Grandparent legacy
3 -URM Native American
4 -URM Black/Hispanic
5 -Professionally published work (poetry, science, etc)
6 -Single Legacy
7 -Low Income + First Generation
8 -Disability (hearing loss, loss of a limb, wheelchair, etc)
9 -Born in an exotic country, grew up in 5 different countries, fluent in 4 languages.
1- -Varsity 4 years + 2 years as captain of 2 tennis and basketball</p>
<p>Though the legacies, low income and URM are at least somewhat dependent on the school</p>