Ranked 1st place (alone) in...

<p>On the awards section, how would you write you were the only person to get 1st place in a certain competition?</p>

<p>Does this sound good?</p>

<p>1st place (alone) in...</p>

<p>Or would you write "only one" at the end or something else?</p>

<p>Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Isn’t there always only one first place anything in a competition? I mean, you can’t have 2 people in first place unless it was a tie.</p>

<p>just write—XXXX–1st place</p>

<p>Are you high? If you put “1st”, I think adcoms will assume that you were first place “alone”. How the hell can there be two first place winners? Neither of them would be first. There can be firsts for different competitions but it’s unnecessary to list them. I don’t know what competitions you’ve been in but anything that gives more than one first place probaly isn’t worth mentioning on your application. </p>

<p>Just put “1st” and nothing else. Or else colleges will think you’re crazy.</p>

<p>only thing i could think of is that he doesn’t want to be misconstrued as a member of a team.</p>

<p>Just say first tho, homie.</p>

<p>I interepreted you to mean that you were the only person to compete and therefore got first place by default…why ruin a good thing and mention it?</p>

<p>it’s a state competition and they can have multiple first places if people get the same scores on the tests</p>

<p>hmmm, hopefully they’ll just assume that then</p>

<p>They’ll assume you were alone.</p>

<p>theyll assume you were in last place.</p>


<p>Lol. </p>

<p>Mike, dude, you need to chill out.</p>

<p>hey poster above me can you help me out?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/627938-ga-tech-admission.html[/url][/B]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/627938-ga-tech-admission.html**&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>say it like this</p>

<p>XXX - 1st place(1 out of over 1,000)</p>