<p>Hello forum,</p>
<p>I'm currently searching for colleges with all sorts of things in mind (tuition, dorm policy, etc...), but am really concerned about choosing a college based on the quality of its biology major.</p>
<p>I've convinced myself at this point that I would like my career to end up in some field related to either microbiology/virology, but am careful enough to place myself in a general Biology major so I don't get stuck if I change my mind.</p>
<p>The problem with that being, of course, judging the college biology programs has become a little more difficult. I would like to create my own ranking of colleges based on how well the general Biology program can prepare me for a career in lab work with virology/microbiology, but I don't know where to start.</p>
<p>Can anyone recommend resources that specify what college biology programs I should be looking for that satisfy my goals/ambitions? Can anyone offer their own advice to a want-to-be microbiologist? Thanks.</p>