<p>I don’t think I can advance Chicago’s position on the list as long as I continue to see so many “Chance Me For Ivies” threads.</p>
<p>…Most of the threads I’ve seen are “Chance me for Ivies + Stanford, Duke, Chicago, etc…” (which, unless legacy or recruitment is involved, always turns out to be “its a reach”) It is a newer phenomenon, though… maybe its been the last 2 years that Chicago has been firmly added.</p>
<p>Edit: I just took a gander over at the Chances forum… no total ivies chances, but a few Top LAC + UChicago chances (as well as Northwestern/ND + UChicago… which makes very little sense from a fit perspective.)</p>
<p>LOL :)</p>
<p>@hunt I meant can you elaborate on why your rankings are the way they are? Why does school X deserve to be above school Y type of thing</p>
<p>@spuding102 did you read the very first post in this topic? The answer is there. If it is not immediately apparent, after that, perhaps read some Thomas Swift.</p>
<p>Plus, if I reveal all the intricate details of my algorithm, somebody might steal it and cut into the tremendous profits I’m getting from selling my rankings.</p>
<p>@OHMomof2 Just checked you are right. Somebody should take all the rankings in the thread, average them, and create a “more scientific version” haha.</p>
<p>There isn’t a more scientific version. That’s kind of the point.</p>
<p>It’s really disappointing to see how many replies to this thread take “prestigiosity” so seriously. Given the title, I wouldn’t have believed so many wouldn’t get it.</p>
<p>For a more scientific version, I would propose changing MIT to 997.3141592653598979…</p>
<p>This is a very funny thread! I love it.</p>
Cute idea, but this method is based on strict accuracy.</p>
<p>I am going to have to respectfully request that you double check your calculations. Strict number theory suggests that the result must be an irrational number.</p>
<p>I think they perhaps they should all be imaginary numbers.</p>
<p>How Can Numbers Be Real If Prestigiosity Isn’t Real</p>
<p>I know prestigiosity must be real, because people come here to tell me I haven’t rated Berkeley high enough.</p>
<p>Lol @ all the posters above that are not “getting” this thread. 8-} </p>
<p>That’s half the fun. Wait a few years and US News will release their prestigiosity rankings.</p>
<p>Only if they pay me, and they haven’t offered anything yet.</p>
<p>I hope Hunt gets royalties.</p>