Ranking Colleges by Prestigiosity

Nah, the Chinese tourists want to pose w non-Chinese tourists wearing the college’s identifying garment, to prove they were there.

Such an insane measure (not that it might not perfectly fit with prestigiosity). Look, here’s a picture of me with an actual Harvard student who was minding his own business on the way to class. Talk about believing some kind of magic will rub off on you!

@Pizzagirl why do you think the tourists rub the toe of John Harvard? They’re hoping one day their kids will one day drunkenly pee on that very statue.

The toe is nearly 6 feet above the ground-- that’ll be a helluva lot of beer…

I have to say that it is unfair to Yale and Princeton because they are so out of the way of Chinese tourists. :))

As an actual CC high schooler, I believe that UC Berkeley should be higher than it is (and no, being defensive about it doesn’t mean it should have a lower ranking). In fact, I believe it should be above Tufts and the other colleges ranked at 925mH. I also believe that Pomona should be at the same level as Williams, Amherst, and Swarthmore, but I think those three schools should be lower because, as as actual high schooler, very few of my peers have heard of them. Now, I may be biased since I’m from California so maybe you should amend the rankings by indicating that UC Berkeley has a higher ranking in California, just like you did for UVA.

And yes, I know this is all one big joke but I take my rankings seriously.

Also, where would the rest of Cornell rank?

“And yes, I know this is all one big joke but I take my rankings seriously.”

Yes, we can tell. You are one of the reasons prestigiosity was coined - the inability to have even a sense of humor about rankings.

@Pizzagirl When I said that I wasn’t really being serious, haha. I don’t really care very much for those super prestigious schools as I know I wouldn’t get in anyways. I’m just a humble young high-schooler hoping to go to a UC. You should take things more lightly! No need to get angry! :slight_smile:

This thread has been running five years! And I just discovered it. I wasted money on actual books. So funny.

As I’ve said before, my high ranking of Berkeley is based on the fact that when anybody makes any kind of ranking, comparison, or even casual comment, somebody pops up to tell us that Berkeley is being underrated.

I could make the ratings more complex by noting more regional differences, and I will do so as soon as somebody starts paying me to maintain these ratings.

^Crowdfunding for Hunt, anyone?

@Regurge01 Here’s a data point for your theory. On a recent walk past the post office at 94305, I noted 21 students within visual identification distance. At least a dozen were wearing positively identifiable college gear and another 5 or 6 were wearing “probables” for a total of about 80%.

How awesome they’re publishing books on prestigiosity nowadays!

The real conclusion to reach is that Stanford needs to be downgraded for having a “collective attempt to convince themselves of their university’s status.”

It’s just a data point. It does need some sort of weighting…

Have you been on the Michigan boards? They seem to be right near the top in defensiveness from my perspective.

With respect to Harvard’s “perfect score,” when the Boston Globe asked then candidate, now Massachusetts Governor, Charlie Baker to take the Proust Questionnaire, he responded as follows:

Q: What is your greatest regret?

A: Not going to Hamilton College. I never really felt comfortable at Harvard.


When it comes to prestigiosity, there is only one Stutts.

  • Nick Class of 1984

“Have you been on the Michigan boards? They seem to be right near the top in defensiveness from my perspective.”

Only defensive against certain posters who come to the site to disparage the university.

^ does it count if the disparagers are not from Ohio?

The point is that you’re defensive. It’s like it’s a personal affront to you if every single poster does not affirm Michigan 's greatness.