Ranking Colleges by Prestigiosity


Even as a Yale grad myself, I can’t claim that any school beats or even equals Harvard when it comes to prestigiosity.</p>

<p>Let me again emphasize that my method of determining prestigiosity, based entirely on my own subjective impressions of things I’ve read here (although still highly scientific, of course) is *just as good *as any other method of ranking the “prestige” of colleges. Nay, I daresay it’s better.</p>

<p>Sure, but why not a medium of 999? Or some sort of post decimal in between?</p>


Scientific integrity prevents me from playing such games.</p>

<p>lol okay then …</p>

<p>My whole extended family lives in California, but I live in NE. From what I’ve heard Stanford and Caltech are 999.5 out there. Vanderbilt definitely should get a region boost like Duke too</p>

<p>Probably a lot of schools should get a regional boost, but how much time do you think I can devote to this project? I do think that Stanford and Duke are in a class by themselves when it comes to regional perceptions of them as top elites.</p>


<p>UCB and UCLA: 900</p>

<p>I have to give Berkeley the nod in prestigiosity over UCLA, because of the endless threads on CC about how prestigious UCB is in Asia, etc., etc., ad infinitum.</p>

<p>Harvard: 1000 mH
Yale: 998 mH
Princeton: 998 mH
MIT (or Caltech): 997.365782322119 mH
Stanford: 995 mH (998 west of the Mississippi)
Duke: 990 mH (995 south of the Mason Dixon line)
Columbia: 990 mH
Penn (Wharton): 990 mH
Williams, Amherst, Swarthmore: 988 mH
Brown: 987 mH
Penn (other than Wharton), Dartmouth: 985 mH
Cornell (CAS and engineering): 980 mH
Chicago: 978 mH
Northwestern, Rice: 975 mH
Johns Hopkins: 950 mH
Tufts, Vanderbilt: 925 mH
University of Virginia: 900 mH (950 in Virginia; 990 in Virginia excluding Northern Virginia)
UC Berkeley: 900 mH
UCLA, CMU: 880</p>

<p>As you state, Williams and Amherst are full of ivy rejects. Stanford rejects go to Pomona and Claremont McKenna. How would you place them? Or are they only known as rejects?</p>

<p>Is there any ranking of best colleges for bitter rejects?</p>

<p>twomules - What a facile statement you ass(es)!</p>

<p>My experience on CC does not support the idea that top LACs are full of Ivy rejects. Rather, I think there are students who prefer LACs to larger universities. So, the Ivy rejects are at less selective universities, and the rejects from Williams and Amherst are at less selective LACs. The Claremont colleges are an interesting case–they get a lot of attention here on CC, which means they have prestigiosity, but I don’t think they are that well known on the East Coast among less obsessed people.</p>

<p>Harvey Mudd: 850
Other Claremonts: 830?</p>

<p>I propose adding an unnumbered list of “CC Darlings.” These are schools that get talked about on CC that lots of people have never heard of, but have prestigiosity for those “in the know.”</p>

<p>Harvard: 1000 mH
Yale: 998 mH
Princeton: 998 mH
MIT (or Caltech): 997.365782322119 mH
Stanford: 995 mH (998 west of the Mississippi)
Duke: 990 mH (995 south of the Mason Dixon line)
Columbia: 990 mH
Penn (Wharton): 990 mH
Williams, Amherst, Swarthmore: 988 mH
Brown: 987 mH
Penn (other than Wharton), Dartmouth: 985 mH
Cornell (CAS and engineering): 980 mH
Chicago: 978 mH
Northwestern, Rice: 975 mH
Johns Hopkins: 950 mH
Tufts, Vanderbilt: 925 mH
University of Virginia: 900 mH (950 in Virginia; 990 in Virginia excluding Northern Virginia)
UC Berkeley: 900 mH
UCLA, CMU: 880 </p>

<p>CC Darlings (in alphabetical order):
Claremont Colleges
Deep Springs
Harvey Mudd

<p>CC Darlings. Hilarious</p>

<p>I would also propose the “Kvetch 25”
Top twenty five schools whose absence from ANY list will elicit non stop kvetching.</p>

<p>No WUSTL? Someone supply its number quick! Tied with Johns Hopkins?</p>

<p>Prestigiosity Ratings (in milliHarvards):</p>

<p>Harvard: 1000 mH
Yale: 998 mH
Princeton: 998 mH
MIT (or Caltech): 997.365782322119 mH
Stanford: 995 mH (998 west of the Mississippi)
Duke: 990 mH (995 south of the Mason Dixon line)
Columbia: 990 mH
Penn (Wharton): 990 mH
Williams, Amherst, Swarthmore: 988 mH
Brown: 987 mH
Penn (other than Wharton), Dartmouth: 985 mH
Cornell (CAS and engineering): 980 mH
Chicago: 978 mH
Northwestern, WUSTL, Rice: 975 mH
Johns Hopkins: 950 mH
Tufts, Vanderbilt: 925 mH
University of Virginia: 900 mH (950 in Virginia; 990 in Virginia excluding Northern Virginia)
UC Berkeley: 900 mH
UCLA, CMU: 880 </p>

<p>CC Darlings (in alphabetical order):
Claremont Colleges
Deep Springs
Harvey Mudd

<p>Overall, I think Berkeley should beat Cornell. For Engineering and Computer Science, Berkeley should be at Stanford, Cal Tech, MIT rank</p>


It’s the persistence of this kind of post that caused me to give Berkeley the very high rating that I did.</p>