Ranking UCSD Colleges?


UC Application is asking us rank colleges.
We are applying engineering majors and Jacobs School of Engineering offers it.
However, this colleges is not listed in the 8 colleges that we have to rank.
We are confused why Jacobs is not listed?
Also, please advise how to rank them. What criteria to consider while ranking them?


There are eight colleges at UCSD:

  • Revelle.
  • Muir.
  • Marshall.
  • Warren.
  • Roosevelt.
  • Sixth.
  • Seventh.
  • Eighth.
    In order to graduate from UCSD, you follow the GE requirements from one of those colleges. They are based on location and what they target. You typically live in one of those college areas, and use the libraries in those areas.
    Jacobs School of Engineering is the name of the engineering school. It is not a “college” on campus. So you pick and rank one of the colleges that you hope to live, eat, study in while you study at Jacobs school.
    READ the whole website for further explanation:
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The college system at UCSD is not based on major. This excerpt from the UCSD catalog might help explain it better.

Here are some additional resources

AP credit and GE requirements are different in each college


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It’s confusing, because the residential college system is a whole different thing from the academic colleges like the engineering school, etc.

Many engineering students choose Warren as their first-choice residential college, because it’s physically the closest to the engineering classes, and the distribution requirements work well with engineering majors.

Muir is the most popular overall, because it has the lightest and most flexible requirements.

Revelle and Roosevelt are generally considered to have the most demanding requirements, albeit in two different ways.

I know nothing about 7th, as it’s new since my kids applied. Both of my daughters ranked Marshall first and got it (it’s reasonably popular but not so popular as to turn away many who rank it first, unlike Muir), but neither ended up attending UCSD.

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Seventh is a new “college” but not new housing. It is located the farthest from campus. In 2020, a new community with housing for Sixth opened. Eighth was supposed to open this year, but there were construction delays.

This picture shows where each college is located.


What happened to naming Sixth? I thought there was a whole bunch of fanfare a few years ago about announcing a name… but now it’s still Sixth.

Hmm, I don’t remember that. Obviously it didn’t stick because they went with the oh-so-creative names of Seventh and Eighth. :wink: Maybe they are waiting for a big (non controversial) donor. The Jacobs are big donors, but it could be confusing if they named a college and a school after the same family.

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Here are my thoughts based on S23’s experience through the application process (he did not end up attending UCSD but was admitted and a bunch of his friends are attending):

  • First of all, most kids that he knew who were admitted to UCSD didn’t get their first choice of college and it seemed kind of random where people got assigned. So you might not want to spend a lot of mental energy agonizing over getting the perfect perfect perfect list of choices.
  • At least in the last admission cycle, you could also change your list of UCSD college choices even after you submit your UC application, up until January 31.
  • You can do any major in any college, so no matter where you get assigned, it will be okay. :slightly_smiling_face:
  • My son submitted a list based on location and food :rofl:, but the most impactful thing about UCSD college choice is probably the GE requirements. Look on the web site for details (linked by @aunt_bea above).

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