Rant (short and somewhat funny)

<p>So, I'm doing the club section for the yearbook, and I've had to coordinate lists of people in clubs, with photos, etc, in a matter of like 2 weeks. Anyway, I asked on the letters given to each teacher to please alphabetize the list. I would say about 10% (and only the smallest clubs) actually did this completely. Most of the rests did it by grade for some reason, fine. But, one club, which honestly has 125+ people, is in NO ORDER WHATSOEVER. The teacher said she didn't know what alphabetizing was. It's what smart people can do, hun!</p>

<p>ha ha ha!
"The teacher didn't know what alphabetizing was"</p>

<p>That's something else right there.</p>

<p>the sad thing is I go to a self-proclaimed "elite" school...she's not a core teacher (math, etc sort of subject), but still!</p>

<p>You'd think that teachers would know that.
That's got to be frustrating! I was in yearbook club last year...it could be a nightmare. Do you have to alphabetize 125+ names?</p>

<p>yes, on my christmas break no less! like I have nothing better to do</p>

<p>She was probably joking or just acted ignorant so she didn't have to do it. :P</p>


<p>But alphabetizing really doesn't take much effort...type them all in a list on a word document and then go to table then sort and it will do it for you...</p>

<p>i have open office...which has no alphabetizing functions...but on the plus side, it's free</p>

<p>I use open office too!</p>

<p>I can also totally sympathize with your story. I was also on yearbook last year and had to do a lot of that type of work because everybody else was too stupid to do it. It was a total nightmare!</p>

<p>wow omg</p>

<p>^ If awesome constituted thread revivals, you’d be Chuck Norris.</p>

<p>haha thanks</p>

<p>I’m just following in Mapleleafs26’s footsteps :b</p>

<p>You should have just got them e-mailed to you and you could put them in order easier.</p>