Rap Music

<p>This is probably a question you haven't answered on this site before:
If I write, record, and produce my own rap songs, is it advisable to mention this on my applications to top schools such as Harvard, Princeton, or MIT?
I am a white math nerd, but I listen to and make rap songs. My songs are by no means explicit; unlike some songs commonly heard on the radio, my songs are not about guns, drugs, sex, etc. Most of my songs deal with, rather, seemingly nonsensical topics ranging from a recently deceased fictional rock to a group of prejudiced kangaroos and teach hidden moral lessons. My songs have been published on my school's annual CD and have been well received by most of my peers.
My fear is that college admissionaries will not appreciate, or even worse, will have be prejudiced against, rap music. I was once told by a music teacher at my school that my art form is offensive and disgraceful. I would like to mention my hobby, and perhaps even send in a sample and/or write an essay about it, but I would hate to mess up my shot at being accepted to great schools.
For your reference, here is a link to one of my music videos (though I do not consider this to be my best work, the recording and video quality are not ideal, and I recorded it back when I had a high pitched voice): YouTube</a> - Rockman
If you would like any further details on my situation, feel free to ask.</p>

<p>Include it as an arts supplement. You could even make it one of your essays (an essay that partially explains/defends rap music.)</p>

<p>Lol twiz, im kind of in a similar situation to you, except i produce music/DJ and am signed to a local record label whose name might be misinterpreted by adcoms... I am also a ghost writer as well, but my lyrics arent vulgar by no means... i would say give it a shot.. i say we are unique because we dont take the classical route of learning an instrument that anyone has a chance to learn.. DJ ing+ raping is innate almost... something you gotta experience... good luck bro ill be applying as well, and DJing is a main EC of mine..</p>

<p>I wrote one of my Stanford essays about how I wanted to be a rapper...
Then again, I had pretty good stats and didn't get in...</p>

<p>I think that's really cool, actually. I don't see how it would hurt to write your essay about it/send it in as a supplement; you're passionate about it and it's rather unique.</p>

<p>very interesting video. lol</p>