
<p>Not to be greedy, arrogant, or a whiner, but does anyone have a rapidshare account cuz downloading these files are c*** slow..
I'd really appreciate it if someone would PM to share with me..</p>

<p>you gotta contribute to as willing to upload stuff if anyone is gonna give you one. your best bet is using rapidshare premium scripts like rapid-hook.com</p>

<p>nvr mind, got a premium jus a moment ago</p>

<p>how did you get one??</p>

<p>why wud u need rapidshare for? :confused:</p>

<p>how did you get one?</p>

<p>I would like to get one as well</p>

<p>but wud sb answer me FOR WHAT? :confused:</p>

<p>Rapidshare is a useful file hosting website</p>

<p>it can be very handy</p>

<p>So does anyone know how that person got a premium account?</p>

<p>well, I know THAT! :D
So, u people use Rapidshare frequently for downloading SAT stuffs?</p>

<p>its useful for a lot more than downloading SAT stuff...</p>

<p>ha ha! I use RapidShare regularly. LOL! I just wanted to know whether there r specific rapidshare links shared at CC dealing w/ SATs!</p>

<p>Oh no! i use rapidshare for things my friends would upload or to download some movies</p>

<p>oh alrite! I guess this thread should be then posted in the Cafe to avoid confusions! :D</p>