Rate me please? =)

<p>I am currently a Junior in High School, and these are my stats/predicted stats:</p>

<p>3.93 Unweighted GPA (on a 4.0 grading scale) / 4.18 weighted (on a 4.33 grading scale)
32-34 ACT (projected)
1900-2200 SAT (Projected)</p>

<p>So far I have completed 42 quarter classes, for a total of 21 credits:
16 classes have been honors weighted so far (2 classes AP, 3 classes IB prep)
another 4 this year, 8 next year
Class rank:
24/745 Unweighted
7/745 Weighted
PSAT 190 (taken as a sophmore, don't know what junior scores are)
PLAN score of 29 (taken as sophmore)</p>

<p>AP Scores (taken as Sophmore):
AP US History - 4
AP Calculus AB - 5</p>

<p>IB Diploma Candidate
Classes this year:
IB HL Math
IB HL Chem
IB HL English
IB HL American History
IB SL Music Theory (Cello)
IB SL German
IB ToK</p>

<p>150 CAS hours needed by end of next year</p>

Math League
Science Club
SMART (bio-molecular modeling)
Chamber Orchestra
Amnesty International (9th Grade only)

<p>Colleges (listed from least likely to get accepted to to most likely)</p>

<li>Cambridge University (In England)</li>
<li>UC Berkeley</li>
<li>Columbia University</li>
<li>University of Chicago</li>
<li>University of Minnesota</li>
<li>Hamline University</li>

<p>I am wanting to be a Physics major, most likely will be pursuing a doctoral degree (eventually)</p>

<p>Most of these colleges are major stretches for me, but how do you think I will do? Also note that I am independantly studying for the AP Physics C: Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Calculus BC, and Chemistry exams. Chemistry shouldn't be too hard because of IB Chem, but I hope to get 5's on all of them.</p>

<p>Any feedback would be fantastic!</p>

<p>Shameless Bump =)</p>