<p>I am applying Early Action to the Digital Post Production major.
I have a 3.8 cumulative GPA and a 4.0 for my junior and senior years.
I have 7-10 extracurriculars including music, sports, volunteer work, and a scouting group. I was the Vice President of my scouting group so I have leadership experience.
My combined SAT score is a 1980. I scored 640 in both Reading and Writing and a 700 in math. I took the test for a second time and hopefully my scores will have improved.
I have taken only one honors course each year in school; English. I have completed four years of French. I am taking five classes first semester and six second semester. I have straight A's for first quarter.
Do you think I stand a chance of being accepted?</p>
<p>I think you definitely have a chance of getting accepted. Both your g.p.a and SAT scores are well above the accepted average, and you have a strong academic record. Plus you have been in Honors English, which is important for Emerson. Good luck!!</p>