<p>So basically I've been told my ECs are pretty weak because I don't do a lot of stuff at my school. I'm involved in a bunch of clubs, but I don't hold any officer positions. Anyways I would appreciate if you could rate the rest of my ECs. My reach colleges: Stanford, Princeton, Johns Hopkins.</p>
<p>Piano - 12 years (I have a bunch of awards/honors too)
Tennis - 5 years - Varsity
Swimming - 5 years - Club team
I founded a business and donated $600 to a non profit organization
Tutor - I tutor kids in a lot of subjects
TA at summer school ~ 80 hours
Volunteer at a senior center ~ 30 hours
Other jobs - I worked as a gardener for a few years, and I work part time for Valve corp.</p>
<p>What you’re missing is leadership roles; you have a diverse set of EC’s but you’re lacking in really stand-out positions, things that show you have a unique edge. Stanford/Princeton get many kids with 4.0’s and 2200 SAT’s, so generally it comes down to one’s resume to see what makes this kid stand out besides just numbers.
If a college were to look at someone who plays piano and tennis vs someone who is president of NHS its obvious who they would pick. Your business is probably the strongest thing on there, that’s unique so make sure that stands out, its all about how you present yourself.
If your essays/recs are strong you still have a shot</p>
<p>Your dedicated yet have an overall diversity. Like said above your business founding is interesting and if you can write a good essay about it, then you can really make something of it. The other thing you can tell from your ECs is that your somewhat athletic. I also think they will appreciate someone with some work experience. Overall you have a very good mix of ECs while having strenths in certain areas (music). Only thing you lack is leadership. Hiring an employee for your business would be great example of this as well as proving that you are progressing your business. Your ECs are fine; if you have the stellar grades…Then you can cross you fingers
<p>Thanks for the replies! Do you think there’s anything else I can do about the lack of leadership roles in the few months remaining before apps are due?</p>
<p>you can create a club in school that you are really passionate about…that will help with leadership. i think you have a good assortment of ecs…but when you say you have gotten a lot of piano awards do you mean on a national level? i dont think state/county piano awards really mean a lot but then again that is just my opinion…good luck with everything!</p>
<p>I have a bunch of state awards and one national. Unfortunately I don’t think I can create clubs anymore at my school; the deadline was a while ago.</p>
<p>Well then that is pretty awesome! Oh…maybe you can get a job? That will show your independence.</p>
<p>Also, do you think it would be worth mentioning somewhere (probably in an essay) that I built my own computer over the summer? I realize a lot of people do this, but computing is one of my hobbies.</p>