Rate The Difficulty Level Of SAT Subject Test !

<p>I have just finished the SAT Subject Test. IMO,
Math II : normal, have some tough questions.
Physics : extremely hard
Chemistry : relatively easy</p>

<p>HAHA good luck to all physics people.</p>

<p>I thought Physics was fine… Math II was the problem area for me… </p>

<p>Oh well…</p>

<p>*<strong><em>ed up Math II. *</em></strong>********…</p>

<p>sorry :O</p>

<p>Physics was fine though, me thinks.</p>

<p>In Math II…can someone please tell me what my score would come to if I get, say, 4 wrong and have left 6 blank?</p>

<p>I think Math II isn’t hard. It’s relatively easy.
To me, Phy is extremely hard. I have to skip about 8 questions !</p>

<p>I screwed up physics too. Skip about 3-4, and not confident about a lot of questions</p>

<p>If someone got 800 on Math II ,Physics and lets say world history and 2300 on the SAT I ,do u think he will be admissioned to Princeton ;]</p>

<p>Maybe. Depends on GPA, EC’s, luck, etc.</p>

<p>With that grammar ? “admissioned to Princeton” ? , ha ha , let’s just say that that person can continue to dream about Princeton.</p>

<p>Well, done with Math II! <em>much</em> easier than i thought (and yet i managed to skip nine questions… mostly because i spent the first ten minutes trying to stop myself shaking).
Hopefully the curve will take care of that a little.
I’m hoping to get something between 720 and 760/770 (max. i can get at this point).
I was getting between 620 and 750 on the Barron’s… was expecting a much harder test.
Biology was fine. skipped one question. will hopefully get 780-800! </p>

<p>good luck everyone!</p>

<p>mp22: I have a friend whose command of English is somewhat poorer than Stachev’s, and yet she managed to get a full ride to Princeton, travel expenses included. Don’t be mean. D:</p>

<p>mp22 made an ass out of him/herself. </p>

<p>(Is that correct grammar?)</p>

<p>IndiaRubber , you are right ; I was a little bit mean …</p>

<p>quote(post#13):mp22 made an ass out of him/herself.</p>

<p>(Is that correct grammar?)</p>

<p>“Dear Gregory” , surprisingly enough , that was grammatically correct .
But the meaning ? (ASS = foolish person)
Think a little bit “Gregory”;
If I can notice such an error does that mean I am foolish ? No , “Gregory” , it doesn’t.
Seems that our little “Gregory” has to use those SAT reading "strategies " when he takes a test.But , his Reasoning score isn’t of course related with his intelligence , like that wretch Gruber says in the preface of his SAT 2009 book , “intelligence can be boosted”. Who knows ; Maybe all those psychology classes I took are really wrong ; and our dear Gruber is right; Well , “Gregory” it would be in your best interest that Gruber is right ,because the real question really never was “Is that correct grammar?”
The question was :
Can a person became smarter in 4 hours ?</p>

<p>quote(post#5):“Physics was fine though, me thinks…”
“Me thinks” ?</p>

<p>And there we have our answer :-)</p>

<p>Math II: relatively easy, managed to answer all
Physics: moderate. skipped 2/3, wasn’t sure bout a few D: hopefully it will turn out fine.
Literature: moderate. answered all, but i think i’ve definitely gotten a few wrong in the last few questions because of lack of time :frowning: a few more wrongs throughout the whole test is highly probable. double :(</p>

<p>urgh who else took lit here?</p>

<p>US History. harder than the released exams.</p>

Chemistry—moderately easy.</p>

<p>Math 2 - medium
Math 1 - HARD
Lit - RAPE</p>

<p>Math 2 - Okay except the last 10 questions
Literature - The poems sucked, but everything else was decent</p>