Biology Regents
English 9 Regents
Algebra 1
AP World History I
PE Boys 9-10
Spanish 2
Study Hall S1
Study Hall S2
Earth Science Regents
English 10 Honors
Applied Geometry
AP World History II
PLTW Principles of Biomedical Sciences
Study Hall
Health Education
Animals and Plants of the Northeast
IB English HL, Language and Literature Year 1
CHS Mathematical Topics
IB History Americas HL, Year 1
PLTW Human Body Systems
Study Hall
CHS Psychology
Expressive Writing
IB Environmental Systems and Societies
IB English HL, Language and Literature Year 2
Applications in Mathematics
IB History Americas HL, Year 2
PLTW Medical Interventions
Study Hall
Short Stories
IB Psychology SL
9 classes in 11 and 12? I think I would take a little stress off my head and maybe strive for 6 or 7, not 9. 
Oh some of them are 1/2 year classes
Nice schedule. One thing I’d change if it were me would be to take chemistry in 10th instead of earth space because chemistry is required in many majors (and at my school we have to take chemistry or physics to graduate), but of course it’s up to you and what you’re planning to do. And I’d take Spanish at least a 3rd year because colleges usually like to see 3 years of a language…
PLTW PBS is a pretty good class and it has helpful review of biology along with some chemistry concepts too. There are a lot of projects and labs. I had the class first period last semester so I was always so tired during class lol. I’m looking forward to HBS though.
Awe thank you so much! Great advice! I think I will end up doing Chemistry! @HSstudent
Awe thank you so much for your help!
Great advice! I will definitely switch to Chemistry! @HS student