Ratemyprofessors.com and bio 5b professors

<p>I'm bored and this is purely an opinionated post. How reliable do you think these ratings are? I know a few people who rely solely on a professor's ratings for their decision of taking them or not (or even taking the class in general). I'm guilty though. I often find myself on the site during registration days. However...after a year and last quarter, I find some of the reviews purely biased and unreliable. I have to say though, that the professors that are ranked "easy" usually are while the professors that are ranked as "the hardest ever" were victim to biased reviews from lazy students. Anyway, has anyone taken Chappell or Doughan for biology 5B?</p>

<p>Not very reliable since most of the students who post on ratemyprofessor.com are usually the hard-working ones that do well in the class or the lazy ones who just don’t care about anything in general. Sometimes though, there are trends in which you can pick up from the comments that , more or less, tell some truth about the professor. I took chappell for 5B and his tests were some of the hardest tests i have ever taken as a science major. But it is very possible to ace his class if you just… study.</p>