<p>I have a 3.041 GPA as of junior year. (Sophomore year I failed a class.)
SAT: 1640/2400 (=[ I know)
Taken 12 H classes.
3 AP classes, (Psych, Eng 11 and Eng 12)
Female, Native American, African American, and White.
Live in MA.
I think I wrote a great essay, Three GREAT teacher Rec's. </p>
-Concert Band
-Jazz Band
-Wind Ensemble
Small Ensemble
-Marching Band
-Amnesty International
-Key Club
-Peer Mediation
-Peer Tutoring
-BSEP/STEM Internship
-School-to-Career Internship</p>
<p>John and Abigail Adams Scholarship recipient. </p>
<p>I'm rather worried about the recently climbing competitiveness of UMASS...do I even have a chance?!</p>
<p>In my blatant ignorance, I’d say that if you got the J&A Adams scholarship, you’re in. I mean, you’re from MA, of course you’re in! </p>
<p>I don’t think that UMass will ever get competitive to the point that someone with your stats would be rejected.</p>
<p>Which school at UMass did you apply to? I only ask, because if you applied to Isenberg School of Management, you may have a bit of difficulty with admittance. Other than that, I’d have to think you’re just fine.</p>
<p>Congratulations on the Adams Scholarship! Did you note, however, that it is just for tuition, and not the fees?? Tuition at UMass is actually just $876 per semester, or @$1,700 per year. It’s the FEES that are @$10,000 per year.</p>
<p>I think they really should re-word the Adams Scholarship because I find it terribly misleading – I know kids who’ve received it and actually think it means they just have to pay room and board.</p>
<p>Anyway, you’ll be fine and good luck.</p>
<p>Yeah, I just had that wake up call myself about the Adams Scholarship.</p>
<p>But UMass is still drastically cheaper than all the other colleges I’m looking at!</p>
<p>Btw, are there scholarships that pay for fees?</p>