RD 2013 Anxiety Thread

<p>I have totally stalked this forum while exploring Barnard and falling in love with it, so I figured I really needed to register. Anyway, I want to congratulate all of you guys who got in Barnard ED - you guys are fantastic and I hope to see you in the fall :)</p>

<p>But, as for me, I just submitted my app, and I’m so nervous. I have NO IDEA how I’m going to wait three months for a decision. So, RDers who are in the same boat as me, please join in on the anxiety and let’s find some better ways to cope! I really want a pony, but unfortunately, I don’t think that’s going to happen. Ah, well…</p>

<p>Good luck, RDers! I hope to see all of you at Barnard this fall.</p>

<p>Yeah, good luck! If you ever have a need to vent or have questions that pop up in your head, there are so many great resources available to you!</p>

<p>Barnard is my first choice and, really, the only school I truly want to attend. I hope we hear good things in April because I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t get in. I wish I had applied ED, but my parents said no and I cry about it all the time and this is becoming really incoherent. I just get REALLY anxious when it comes to Barnard.</p>

<p>wow it is nice to find people that really want to go there. Barnard is like my 2nd choice. I got deferred from my first but I love this school and I really really hope i get in.</p>

<p>My problem is that I really overestimate the college admissions process and underestimate myself, so I’m convinced that I won’t get in and then I’ll be a failure in my life. The worst was watching all of the girls from the summer program get in ED because I know a lot of us had the same qualifications and if I don’t get RD, I’ll beat myself up for not forcing my parents to let me apply ED for the rest of my life. I just want it to be April right now.</p>

<p>Thanks, fhg and baehrr09! Do you have any tips for waiting for a decision?</p>

<p>Julia2013, yes, loving a school is great. If you don’t mind me asking, where were you deferred from?</p>

<p>mp153, I completely understand where you’re coming from. But realize that you’re the same person whether you applied ED or RD. Barnard will see the wonderful applicant that you are either way. While, yes, ED tends to have an advantage, it isn’t the be all and end all. In addition, just because you have the same qualifications as others who got in ED is semi-irrelevant; the essays and recs aren’t taken into consideration for that, so your decision could be based on something else entirely.</p>

<p>And you won’t be a failure at all if you don’t get accepted; a rejection from Barnard doesn’t mean that. I believe every woman that applies to Barnard is a success simply because she identifies with Barnard (it’s pretty awesome, as we all know). All a rejection from Barnard means is that they don’t think you’re a good fit. So, as long as you put passion and who you are into the application, don’t take it as the adcoms communicating that you’re a failure. </p>

<p>I’m sure you’ll be accepted at several great schools that, while they may not amount to everything that makes Barnard great, will still provide you with a good education. The admission process is skizzy (I make up my own words, haha), so please don’t let it think you’re a failure.</p>

<p>But, yeah, I totally want it to be April, too. Maybe if we wish hard enough? ;)</p>

<p>OOH IDEA: For a self-esteem boost, how about we start a thread like, “Barnard RD 2013 Girls Are…” and then we can list things that apply to us or other applicants that we know. </p>

<p>Sorry if this was too long-winded; I have a verbosity problem.</p>

<p>etched, just keep yourself distracted! The waiting can be pretty consuming if you don’t keep yourself busy, but as long as you have other things going on you don’t have time to worry about it (we had the benefit of having RD apps to work on during the ED wait). Also, make sure you have something big going on the last week before decisions come out, those last couple of days are painful and I’m sure they’d be worse with no distractions…</p>

<p>mp153, ED does have some advantage, but I’m not totally convinced that it’s that significant. Just present your best self on your application and have faith that it will all turn out okay, if the adcoms feel you are a good fit for Barnard, they will admit you, ED or RD.</p>

<p>AH, I’m so anxious too!!</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure I have the stats for Barnard, although my GPA is a little low. Otherwise, test scores are above the median. But I worry a lot that maybe my essays won’t pull through or something, and they’ll think I wasn’t interested… I even visited. I <3 Barnard, and I really hope that shows!</p>

<p>Awww…you all are so nice! Another reason to be obsessed with Barnard :)</p>

<p>My problem, if any, is my test scores, but I was told that they don’t matter as much as people think they do for otherwise qualified girls, so I hope I’ll be okay.</p>

<p>And we should totally list all of the things that make us awesome :)</p>

<p>Good luck to all you applying! Just a month ago, I was in your same situation. My advice to ease the suspense is to, as fhg said, keep yourself distracted. </p>

<p>If you’re like me, you talk about Barnard so much that your friends are sick of hearing about it. Go hang out with those friends. They will keep changing the subject every time you bring up Barnard, so hopefully that will keep you less stressed!</p>

<p>Also, don’t look at you application AT ALL once you’ve submitted it. You’re only going to see typos and mistakes, which will only stress you out more. I literally put the printed version of my application under lock and key, and I really think that lessened the stress for me. I know that sounds really weird, but it worked for me! Haha. </p>

<p>Once again, GOOD LUCK to all you RDers! I hope to see you all next year!</p>

<p>Definitely good advice, belle! I kept analyzing my app in the first couple of weeks after I submitted it, and it was horrible! Once I got over that phase, the wait got much better. So yes, don’t look at your application after it’s submitted, there’s nothing you can do to change it and all you will do is obsess.</p>

<p>Yeah I was probably the worst person at waiting in the entire world. Try as hard as you can to keep yourself busy (even though everybody these days has crazy schedules…it’s so hard to get your mind off of Barnard). The weekend before I got my letter was terrible because girls on this board and facebook were posting that they got in and I thought FOR SURE I was toast. The great thing about Barnard is that they really look at you as a person, not just the numbers. So yeah, it may make them look like a lower school on those stupid rankings that only look at the numbers, but we all know that Barnard is the best (right, ED girls?). So best advice: sit back, take a breather, and have confidence!</p>

<p>I was just looking at the yield rate - it’s only around 50%, so I was thinking, maybe if I don’t get in and I get waitlisted instead, the chances of getting off the waitlist will be good!</p>

<p>Very true. I think it’s also possible that because of the economy yield could be lower (people comparing FA packages), so that could benefit you if you are waitlisted and finances are not an issue…</p>

<p>Yes, I definitely hope so!</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the official day RD letters are supposed to be received is? I’ll make plans to go to Disney World or something the weekend before. Because chances are, I’ll be fine until right before we find out and then I’ll go crazy, so I may as well go to the happiest place on Earth. hehe.</p>

<p>Well, I’d say Disneyland/world is definitely a good place to go for good luck! </p>

<p>I was at Disneyland when my dad called and told me I received a large package from Barnard in the mail. He then drove it over to me and I opened the envelope in the parking lot. I spent the rest of the day on cloud nine…</p>

<p>Just a pointless little story for you all! Haha.</p>

<p>Well, I live three hours from Disney, so my dad probably couldn’t drive it to me, but he would probably call me and I would spend the rest of the weekend flipping because I wouldn’t want them to open my envelope but I would want to know haha.</p>

<p>Haha…acceptance letters are in big priority mail envelopes…you would know! Prettiest envelope I’ve seen in my entire life!</p>