Rd- 2013

<p>Thanks - yes, the financial packages will be part of the decision process too. I have twin boys. One is probably going to either Ithaca College or SUNY Oneonta. The other one is choosing between Geneseo and U of R. We’ve been on a lot of visits this year, but I did really like Geneseo.</p>

<p>Oh, I didn’t know that U of R is already mailing out their regular decision mails! I also applies to U of R but isn’t the date supposed to be no later than April 1st or something?
If your son is accepted by U of R’s RD 2013, would you mind post up some of your son’s stats? Thank you.
Sorry for being off the topic guys.
BTW, I already got accepted from Binghamton and I am still waiting for other SUNYs and privates.</p>

<p>He applied as Early Notification - had to be submitted by Dec 1st I think. The notification for that was Feb 15th, but because of the holiday, it came on Tuesday (19th). He had done the interview. SATs were 660 R, 770 M, 660 W. Unweighted average is around 97.5. Lots of APs (History, English, Chemistry). Most ECs were focused around music (Marching Band, Drumline, Jazz Band, Musical Pit, also Soccer and Tennis).</p>

<p>@JEDad2013 he should have no prob getting into Geneseo with those stats. Does he like Geneseo?</p>

<p>He does - and he also thought they had the best food of all the colleges we visited between both boys. He also likes the smaller town and the feel of the campus. We had a meeting with one of the Physics professors, and it was really great. He took the group of visiting students into a room where some of the currently enrolled physics students were working and just let them talk privately with each other for about a half-hour while the parents talked with the professor.</p>

<p>What major is your daughter considering? What other schools is she looking at? I’ve heard Geneseo doesn’t do much in the way of merit scholarships, which in a way is too bad considering how hard he has worked, but I know they are now a much sought after school, so they use the money to invest in the university without the need to provide as many scholarships to entice students. Still, given the cost of U of R, I would find it hard to believe they could make it cheaper to attend there than Geneseo, but I guess we will see pretty soon.</p>

<p>My daughter may be a math major…but she wants to do secondary ed. I know Geneseo has a great program for that.
She got into a bunch of great schools like Fordham, Providence to name a few. As I said money is an issue. She is actually at Binghampton right now visiting a friend. She was deferred there to RD. I think its nice but kinda big and favor Geneseo.
As far as SUNY’s go she was also admitted to Oneonta so I do have a financial safety which is good. They gave her money too.
I’d love this to be over and done with. Only schools we are waiting on is Lehigh, Gettysburg and Geneseo. Id be very surprised if she was admitted into Lehigh.
Id rather have her go to a NY school so she can be certified to teach alot easier.
So we shall see…how many days now? Wow a week from today we will know!</p>

<p>Did anyone do the parent essay for Geneseo? I did submit this and got back a surprising letter…addressed to me, not my son. Of course thanking me for filling that out, but they were very complimentary of his academics as well and mentioned that… is this a standard form letter? Feedback from those receiving one of these? My son applied RD, but I don’t think his stats for Geneseo are anything remarkable… he did get in to New Paltz, Oneonta, Albany and Plattsburg honors. No work from Bing yet (longshot)</p>

<p>@uncivilservant I didnt get a letter back about my parent statement. Thats good you did. I dont think I did anyway. Its been hard to keep up on all this.
In 2010 my son was waitlisted at Bing but got into Geneseo. I think they take more NY students. I think more NY apply in general than to Bing. I really hope we all get good news soon. My daughters average is right on target with Geneseo but her SAT’s lacked about 50 points. So I am nervous. We will see soon I guess…Anyone who gets a letter please post…Thanks</p>

<p>My niece applied to Geneseo & her Mom received a letter thanking her for filling it out about 4 weeks ago</p>

<p>Praying for a big envelope on Friday or Saturday!!!</p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone!!! Geneseo is truly the jewel of the SUNYs…love that place!</p>

<p>I hope we hear at the end of this week! :)</p>

<p>Regarding the parent letter: I, too, received a very nice letter from the adcom thanking me for the parent input. The writer also commented how they were enjoying getting to know my son through his application. It was a very nice touch and for future applicants, I would recommend that parents complete the input form. It’s just one more piece in the puzzle and helps describe the applicant beyond numbers and ECs.</p>

<p>I did send in the parent statement letter, and we did receive a letter back thanking us for the letter and also stating they were impressed with our son’s application and were looking forward to submitting it to the full committee for review.</p>

<p>Please post when you get your letters!!!</p>


<p>I’m assuming from the information you provided about your son and from your username that you live in Jordan-Elbridge? I’m a West Genesee grad and was in the marching band during the eighties. I can’t remember if you said this before, but is Geneseo your son’s first choice and did he apply to any private schools?</p>

<p>Yes, we are from Jordan-Elbridge. Both of my twin boys have done Marching Band the last 5 years and were happy to win the NYS Championship in their class this past fall. We’ve really enjoyed watching West Genny through the years as well. I think Geneseo is probably my son’s top choice. He also applied and was accepted to U of R and also Clarkson University. It’s really between Geneseo and U of R. He will be entering as a Physics major, and hopes to also pursue some sort of music minor. It will partially depend on the full financial packages offered as well. We should know pretty soon!</p>

<p>Thanks for your response. We live really close to U of R and visited there. My son had an instant negative reaction to U of R and honestly it wasn’t the best fit for him. My daughter, OTOH (who is currently a junior) is seriously considering chemical engineering for a major so U of R might work for her. It is expensive, though and we have five kids to get through college. My son has been accepted at Hillsdale, St. Bonaventure and John Carroll University. He’s waiting to hear from Union, Williams, Providence and Geneseo. He is strictly a LA kid with an eye on law school (though given the current glut of unemployed law school grads, I’m not sure how that will work out). They forgot to tell parents how stressful this whole college process can be!</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry. He won’t need a job for 7 more years. Lots can change between now and then.</p>

<p>@Momofreds its very stressful. I am glad to say this is my last child going to college. I am so happy I never have to do this again. Getting the taxes done so early…filling out the CSS profile for some schools can be tough. I still am waiting for the IRS to get my taxes to go back in the Fasfa to use the data retrieval tool. My daughter was admitted into providence and I have a family by me who’s 3 kids went there and loved it. We should know about Geneseo in a few days. I looked at last years thread and seems they found out by March 1 or 2. I have a bad feeling. My daughters stats are a bit lacking and I have a feeling she may be waitlisted or offered Spring.
I do have to say I was there 3 years ago for admitted students day with my son and you should not miss that if you are accepted. They do a great job with that! Good luck!</p>