RD Chances plz.

<p>I'm applying as an international..</p>

<p>my stats:
620V/770M ->1390
800math2c/690writing/630chem (i know these are bad..)
Canadian schools don't calculate GPAs so I just used UC method 3.8UW/4.3W
top 10% in a competitive private school
great essays
didn't send recs since UW didn't require any. but counselor rec should be good
ECs- lots of musics stuff (provincial honor band, band president, etc)
200hr. volunteer at a hospital for senior citizens
boarding prefect
hardest courseload</p>

<p>you didnt send recs to vanderbilt?</p>

<p>oops, i did copy and paste and forgot to delete that part. sorry
recs are supposed to be "great/good"
do i stand a chance now?</p>

<p>^^^CCers are making me laugh today</p>