<p>Does anyone know when RD decisions will be sent out?</p>
<p>[Macalester</a> Admissions](<a href=“http://www.macalester.edu/admissions/apply/deadlines.html]Macalester”>http://www.macalester.edu/admissions/apply/deadlines.html)</p>
<p>It says the deadline for a decision from Macalester is March 30th.</p>
<p>but then their admitted student sampler is April 2-3, which doesn’t seem very realistic :S</p>
<p>Maybe only the early rd admits and the ed’s go to that?
it does sound weird though.</p>
<p>yeah good point, you would think they would give acceptees enough time to plan to come to an admitted student day.</p>
<p>Haha, considering the letters take time and whatnot i cant imagine anyone having time to book a ticket and cancel all plants in just a few days.
and it’s not like someone can book a ticket in advance, in case he or she gets accepted. ;)</p>
<p>There is also a sampler on April 16-17, which is more accessible to RD admits.</p>
<p>yeah but that’s still too little time for someone to drop plans and make arrangements for travel. If i were Mac i would schedule those samplers a month (at least) after whenever it was they released admissions decisions.</p>
<p>I agree it sucks for all the RD admits…but really since most schools have a commitment deadline of May 1, it would be almost impossible for Macalester to stay competitive AND have samplers in May (also, that would be finals week)</p>
<p>Uh, you’re kind of missing something really important, Dessin. They put them in the middle of April because they want to get it fairly in the middle between decision release and May 1, the enrollment deadline. So little time!</p>
<p>I was RD and I already got notified and I’m going to the first weekend in april :)</p>
<p>Sigh. I guess I wouldn’t be able to go because yeah. Ticket to America… I don’t have the money anyways.</p>
<p>trebleinparadise, when did you get accepted and where do you live?</p>
<p>i know may 1 is the deadline, im just saying that maybe they should have had earlier app deadlines so they could render decisions earlier making it easier to have samplers in april. Only a few more days… oh college admissions purgatory!</p>
<p>hey I looked up last year’s postings and it looks like most people find out around March 19 or 20th…but that internationals don’t know until the very end ie March 30 I don’t know how I’m going to last that long
but good news for most of you…</p>
That SUCKS.</p>
<p>I just found out I got in. I’m in Minneapolis, though, so it probably came pretty fast. FYI, it comes in a big envelope that says “YES!” on the outside. Phew! One down, 8 to go!</p>
<p>AHHHH! SO JEALOUS! can you check when it was postmarked? - if you’re in minneapolis, it probably takes 1 day to reach you after the postmark (i would think) so hopefully it will be in the midatlantic region by thursday-ish? Congratulations!</p>
<p>jealous jealous jealous</p>
<p>I got mine today too. I’m in the same situation as southeastitan. The Yes! on the envelope is really nice, I must say.</p>