RD Input

<p>I applied EA to Harvard and got deferred, I'ld like to know what people think of my chances RD at Duke and if there is anything I should/could do to touch it up.</p>

<p>SAT I: 1500 (800 M)
SAT IIs: 800 (2c), 780 (Physics), 780 (Writing)
GPA: 5.31 weighted, 4.000 unweighted
Rank: 2/945
APs: 5 on Stat, BC, Physics B, Human Geography
4 on Bio and US History
3 on Spanish Lang (not native speaker) and English Lang</p>

<p>Current schedule: 6 APs (Eng Lit, Physics C, Govt, Chem, Psych, Comp Sci), dual-enrollment Number Theory, and taking Multivariable Calculus in school</p>

<p>Other accomplishments: 6 on AIME twice, 150 on AMC 10B, 13 Statewide Mu Alpha Theta (Math) First Places, 1st place overall in Calculus at Mu Alpha Theta National Convention, President of school Math Club and Captain of Florida Association of Mu Alpha Theta, NMSF, Created Florida Math Team to compete at Harvard-MIT Math competition, raised over $1,200 to help cover trip, Captain of Brain Brawl team, run 2 math tutoring programs (one at my high school, one at a neighboring middle school), and coached middle school math team</p>

<p>Essays: One on a crossdressing pagaent I got 2nd in (along with a picture), everyone I have sent it to has not only cracked up but said that was the best essay they have ever read, and one about losing by a point at Mu Alpha Theta Nationals my freshman year and how I bounced back to win it all last year
Teacher Recs: English Teacher I had for 3 years and Calc teacher I've had for 2, both very good both in boxes and in the letter
Counselor Rec: Haven't seen it, but great counselor, should be good
Hook: Big on math, initiative (starting math team for HMMT), responsibility (running tutoring programs and president of math club), perfect on AMC 10 is pretty big</p>

<p>State: FL
School Type: Large (4000) Public High School
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Stength: math, humor in essays
Weakness: not exactly "well rounded", good grades all around but don't really excel too much in humanities</p>

<p>Thanks for the help! Good luck!</p>

<p>I think you've got a really good chance. Your scores and grades are fantastic.</p>

<p>I am a mom of a ED applicant who just just got in to Duke. We also know a lot of families who had "deferred" decisions to Harvard, Princeton, Penn, Yale,Columbia, as well as Duke .. seems like 'deferred' was the 'favor of this year' .. anyway .. just my opinion .. your grades and scores are great .. and that is very important .. but, as you are aware, lotta great scores and grades out there .. some things my son did ... visited campus twice and made sure that admissions knew it, meet with the Duke rep when they visited his HS .. she was his reader .. and he made sure that he emailed her and kept her updated regarding his efforts and accomplishments and just to say hi .. keeps your app 'alive' for the reader .. arranged for an alumni interview locally and really prepared for it .. questions and why he really wanted Duke .. last his essay ..
and in our opinion it put him over the top .. when we visited Duke the admissions folk said that too many times the essay reads like a resume .. I did this .. I did that .. I acheived this .. and I acheived that .... also they complained that students were way too formal and tried to sound like intellectuals ... what they wanted was to "hear your voice" and have the essay make you .. as a person .. be "seen" by the reader .. they said the best essays are the simpliest ones .. slice of life .. not always that profound but really get a sense of the applicant . one of the admissions officers said one of the best she read was from a student who wrote about their preseason hs football camp.... so first off I HIGHLY recommend that you do the "personalized' essay choice that way your answer is like no other .. if you have already done an essay .. I have always thought that when it comes to college admissions .. there is NO WAY YOU CAN OVERDUE .. so write another one ... again just my opinion</p>