RD Notifications?

<p>S has applied RD and is Honors eligible... he actually has already submitted his honors application since the link was on his application portal he decided to get it in with his app. From reading old threads, it appears VT may start notifying Honors eligible applicants earlier, perhaps mid-February, than others? Anyone know that to be true or have any additional info? Also, any info about the Honors Scholarship Weekend? When is it usually and who do they invite? I had not heard of it, but noticed it mentioned on a few old threads...</p>

<p>I posted under the Accepted link but here is what I said…have your son check his online status. </p>

<p>My son checked his status yesterday (he did not receive an email saying he was accepted) and it appears he is accepted…Engineering major who did apply for Honors Housing and the Engineering Dean Scholarship. OOS & Legacy (mom attended). </p>

<p>A few comments:

  • Several days after he applied (applied Jan 8), he recieved an email from Va Tech about applying to the Honors Program and for the dean scholarship by Feb 1. While he was not accepted at this point, he went ahead and submitted the paperwork.
  • Yesterday he recieved a email from Tech about recieving the FAFSA. No other email indicating he was accepted.
  • He decide to check his status late last night…on the first page it said Fall 2013. Then when you click that it has a few things on that page including where you can accept admission and send $400. But we found the site to be very confusing because it doesn’t specifically say he got admitted to Engineering. For those who apply to Tech for engineering you know you must declare a second choice.</p>

<p>Hope that helps.</p>

<p>lisak1234… pretty much exact same chain of events here, except we checked his app status this morning because of the posts here. He did submit the Honors App when he submitted his application and also the Dean’s Scholarship app, but no word on whether he is in the engineering school, although I’m not terrible worried about that piece. Congrats to your son!</p>

<p>I hope I do not change the topic, but are you guys checking the status of your applications through the MY VT guest account using the CAS system? Oh and congratulations to you guys!!</p>

<p>never mind totally disregard my question. I found the right website from another thread. It turns out i have been accepted as well.</p>

<p>Thanks granipc. Congrats to those who were accepted too! I am excited for my S. Just as an update…my son received an email saying he was accepted several days ago. It also stated info was coming in the mail. Plus he was invited to join facebook accepted students page.</p>

<p>Same here for my son. Still waiting to hear about honors. Did receive the package in the mail indicating General Engineering. I just wish they told us all the info at one time. And I too found the site to be confusing. I actually didn’t remember that we had to identify 2 different choices.</p>

<p>So it looks like the Honors and OOS are being notified. Any idea when the kids that were deferred for EA will be hearing? I hate this waiting, D has been accepted to George Mason and Christopher Newport but Tech is her #1 choice. We live in NOVA so I know her chances are decreased.</p>