Re-apply as a transfer after being rejected?

<p>Anyone know the chances? I am thinking of re-applying for spring semester, I have a 3.52 at psu, took all recommended courses or will have them done by spring semester. Going for business. I won't be submitting sats, and pretty much no ECs besides managing a small business part time for several years but its explained in my app. Anyone, please give me some insight!!!!</p>

<p>You’d get in hands down. Penn State University is ranked higher and has more solid programs in most fields, why do you want to transfer? A lot of the people at Miami actually usually choose between schools like Maryland, Penn. State, Boston University, and other schools in that class. </p>

<p>I transferred as a transfer from Maryland with a pretty low GPA (Solid B= 3.0) after my first semester due to certain, undisclosed reasons and I had a pretty solid high school record but lower than average SATs and got in without a problem. </p>

<p>Miami has many transfers for lower division schools, so applying from Penn. State with an A- average definitely sets you above the rest.</p>

<p>I currently do not attend main campus so that is the biggest reason. I feel like I am in high school at the other campuses. Also my first choice was UM. Thanks for the boost in confidence but now I am second guessing if this is the best choice to make</p>