Re-applying as a Transfer?

<p>Sooo..I'm a second semester sophomore right now. Back in 07 I was accepted early action as an incoming freshman to UM and received about 22K in merit money (32 ACT, but average GPA and extrcurriculars but at one of the best public HS in the state, African-American, blahzay blah). Obviously that wasn't enough to defray the costs so I accepted a full-ride scholarship to a historically black university.</p>

<p>I love the school at I'm at now. I have a 3.75 GPA as a Finance major and am pretty involved on campus and in the community. Buttt Miami was once upon a time my dream school and I would love to attend. The academics at my school now are comparable to like, my freshman year of high school.</p>

<p>Is it any harder to transfer into Miami? What about transfer financial aid? I figure I got about half tuition with a 2.7 GPA, think I can get any more with a 3.7? Will they take into consideration at all the fact that I was accepted once before?</p>