Re-contracting and Classification

<p>DS is an freshman with Junior classification (Degree Works). Is he considered a rising Junior for re-contracting ?

<p>If this is his first year on campus, then he will be treated as a first year student, rising second-year student.</p>

<p>Yes, he started Fall 2012. He wants to stay in honor’s housing therefore he will be moving from Riverside. When will he get to choose rooms?</p>

<p>*Once you have successfully submitted your contract and deposit, you will be able to take part in room selection according to the following schedule. Please note, your academic classification is what the Registrar considers your classification to be, based on hours.</p>

<p>“Stay Put” (you wish to remain in the exact same space you live in now and are eligible to do so): 8:00 a.m. February 20-8:00 a.m. February 21. *If you wish to pull a roommate into any vacant space in your room or suite, you must stay put yourself on this day. If you do not choose this space, another student will be eligible to select it.</p>

<p>“Stay Put” roommate pull in (you chose your exact same space yesterday, and you will now pull a roommate into any vacant space(s) in your room): 8:00 a.m. February 21-8:00 a.m. February 22</p>

<p>Different Room, Same Community (you wish to move to a different room within your residence hall or related residence halls, e.g., change to another room in your building or move from one room in Highlands B to another room in Highlands C. During this room selection phase, Ridgecrest South Tower and Ridgecrest North Tower are considered one building, all Highlands buildings are considered one community, and all Bryce Lawn buildings are considered the same community.): 8:00 a.m. February 25-8:00 a.m. February 26</p>

<p>Rising Seniors, Different Room, Different Residence Hall: 8:00 a.m. February 26-11:59 p.m. March 1</p>

<p>Rising Juniors, Different Room , Different Residence Hall: 8:00 a.m. February 27-11:59 p.m. March 1</p>

<p>Rising Sophomores, Different Room, Different Residence Hall: 8:00 a.m. February 28-11:59 p.m. March 1</p>

<p>After “stay put,” when you select a room, you may pull in a roommate of your choice, as long as 1) there is a vacant space in your room, 2) your preferred roommate has recontracted and 3) your preferred roommate is eligible for the space into which you are pulling him/her. For example, you cannot pull a student who is not in the Honors College into a space in Honors Housing, since that student is not eligible for that community. You will need the other student’s Roommate Proxy Code, found on the online application, in order to pull the student in.*</p>

<p>So it sounds like for room selection, they use your registrar classification, which is different from what was used for recontracting, where if you were a first year student you were considered a rising soph regardless of registrar classification. Do I have that right?</p>

<p>The UA post above and the email wording seem to contradict each other. At least that’s how I read it, unless they mean only UA hours (which is not indicated). Or perhaps I’m not reading it correctly?</p>

<p>^^ I don’t think it’s necessarily a contradiction, as the post UAHousing was responding to asked about recontracting, not room selection. But it would be nice to get clarification.</p>

<p>It was me, reading it wrong - or at least mixing up the posts. I agree it would be nice to get clarification, though.</p>

<p>These are two different issues. The original question was about recontracting, which is who can live on campus again next year. The email that was copied above is the room selection schedule, during which students academic standing will determine what year they are.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!

<p>As the term “rising” seems to indicate, are the hours being taken this semester added to existing hours to determine classification for room selection?</p>

<p>Janine- I am confused…
DS is currently a freshman. He received the email that he can re-contract for housing and I already paid the deposit for Fall 2013. His Degree Works shows that he has Junior standing. He wants to stay in honors housing, so he will move from Riverside North. Does this mean that his day to choose will be with rising Sophomores, Different Room, Different Residence Hall: on 8:00 a.m. February 28-11:59 p.m. March 1?

<p>amcm4klm3 - please email me your student’s information <a href=“”></a>.</p>

<p>It’s kind of hard to tell you exactly until I look the student up. If he’s currently a junior academically, he’ll be with rising seniors on the 26th.</p>

<p>Thanks Janine, the email is on its way…</p>

<p>Regarding the above (my D has the same scenario at amcm4’s), it doesn’t matter if it is a “stay put”, correct?</p>

<p>That’s right. Everyone has the opportunity to choose their same space at the same time.</p>

<p>Ok, so if you are bringing a new roommate into a suite, is it best for the three remaining roommates to just stay put and pull in the 4th roommate and at a later date switch the rooms (A,B,C and D) to how they really want them?</p>

<p>Lattelady - I’d say that depends on whether or not ANY of the students in the suite want to stay put in their exact space.</p>

<p>For this example, I’ll use Joe who currently lives in the B room.</p>

<p>Let’s say Joe is staying in B but everyone else is moving around. Then I would recommend that Joe should stay put and then during roommate pull in, he can pull the roommates into the spaces they prefer.</p>

<p>If they ALL want to move around then, they should all do the stay put option and pull in whomever into any available spaces left in the suite. Then at any point after that, they can all come into the main housing office and we can manually swap them ahead of time. We do not make room swaps without the consent of everyone involved in the swap.</p>

<p>But the first option requires that the students are really on the same page before room selection begins.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!

<p>Okay, so I want to make sure we understand this, since even my son is confused.</p>

<p>Son is in his first year at UA, but is a sophomore according to DegreeWorks. He wants to move from Riverside to Ridgecrest West (to stay in honors). Because he is technically a rising junior, he picks on the 27th at 8 a.m, and can pull all his other honors roommates at that time.</p>

<p>Do I have this right? I hope so. My head hurts.</p>

<p>Slippy, why can’t your son just be a mere mortal like mine and we wouldn’t have this issue.</p>