Re-post: DO I have a chance?

<p>Okay so, I am a junior right now at a small Catholic high school in Massachusetts. I was just wondering if I had a chance at the following top choice schools:
John Hopkins

<p>These are my academic Stats:</p>

<p>AP Classes: Biology, Chemistry, Calculus AB, Statistics, US History, Literature and Comp, and Physics B
(I'm taking AP Chem outside of school at MIT, my school has a 3 AP limit).
GPA: 3.6 unweighted, 4.0+ weighted
SATs: I am taking them again, but in case they don't improve, my first time scores were:
CR: 690
M: 700
W: 750
Total: 2140
SAT 2s: none taken, planning on taking: Bio, Math 2, US History, and Spanish
No AP exam scores yet, haven't taken them. Hoping for 4/5s on all.
I took a summer class in Precalculus to skip it and go straight to AP Calc.</p>


<p>Captain Tennis Team
Captain Math Team
Captain Academic Decathalon, A student on team
Volunteer at Hospital for Summer of Junior Year (hasn't happened yet, but I'm signed up).
National Honor Society</p>

<p>Let me know! Thanks :D</p>


<p>yeah you have nothing to worry about.</p>

<p>Really? My GPA isn’t too low?</p>

<p>Um… it might be. yeah i guess it is on the low side, but if you keep up on your standardized tests, and even improve them a little, i think that could offset it. it’s a crapshoot. just do what you’re doing, get A’s, keep up with your EC’s and doing what you love. once you start working on your apps, really sell yourself and put a lot of time into it.</p>

<p>Okay thanks. Yeah my GPA is low because I have taken all Honors/AP classes in High School, and my AP Calc and AP US History teachers both pride themselves on only having 2 or 3 kids get a 90+ in their class, out of about 25 students. That really screws a GPA. Grade-wise, I have like an 87 in both Calc and US History, and AP Physics is about the same. Is there anything that you would recommend I do to improve my chances at these schools?</p>

<p>write a kick-ass essay. i mean there’s really not much you can do now… your gpa isn’t gonna kill you. get good recs.</p>

<p>Get amazing recommendations and write a great personal statement and you’re in at all of them. Georgetown is tough, it is a high match for you right now. Tufts, I think you’ll get in. I have no idea about JHU.</p>

<p>Yeah, I should get pretty good recs. Even though I don’t want to go to any of them really, do you think I have a chance at any Ivies?</p>

<p>Everyone has a chance but depends on how much of a chance. :S</p>

<p>You should try to break a 1450 V+M and work extra hard to get your GPA up just a little more. All these schools have a 4.0 average admittance for their students. Your ECs are solid though.</p>

<p>Yeah I really want to get my Critical Reading and Math up. Thanks for the advice, though.</p>