Re-taking AP courses?

<p>I was wondering if its beneficial to retake the courses you have AP for, especially if they are related to your major. Some schools actually require this. Does Penn too?</p>

<p>Penn pretty much doesn't deal in AP credit anymore, I think starting soon they won't even honor things like BC calc or language, which really are about the only things that you can use currently to place out of anything.</p>

<p>so, basically, we have to retake AP courses?</p>

<p>yep, and you'll understand why very quickly too, especially for things like bio and chem</p>

<p>wow.. i was under the impression that Penn accepted most 5s of AP credit from a current freshman. Is this a new policy?</p>

<p>it's gotten more strict in the last year or two, but they've been pretty tight-fisted about credit for some time now, and the one's they've taken credit for don't really get you much other than an additional credit twoards graduation that you don't need, they don't fill any requirements or anything, with the exceptions of language and BC calc, as mentioned</p>

<p>so BC Calc should fill a credit but others won't.
Oh well, at least it should be easier the second time around :)</p>

<p>in a lot of instances you will get a waiver for the instead of credit. you will get to skip the course but you wont get credit towards graduation, meaning you will have to take another course in its place. </p>

<p>an advisor or some other admissions person i talked to at previews said soon everything will be a waiver and some courses won't even be eligible anymore, they are cutting way back.</p>

<p>thats really takes away from the appeal of an ap class...although in my school i dont really have a choice...all the ap classes ive taken are not offered as an honors course...the honors course is the AP...but anyways...last year they took 5s on most anything...i hear they are making changes but i havent heard anything quite that drastic...and having free credits towards graduation is great...not worthless...especially if your planning on trying a need like 6 or 8 classes to apply...but who wants to take that many first you get pushed back to 3rd...but if you have ap worries</p>