<p>I was wondering if for the University Scholars Program and Danforth Applications I can re-use my common app essay because it doesn't explicitly state to create an entirely different essay. And plus my common app essay ties into what I want to discuss for both applications (medicine). Thanks for any suggestions/comments.</p>
<p>yeah. they wont notice</p>
<p>^ Umm. Sarcasm?</p>
<p>They would definitely notice. Don’t be stupid. If you can’t even put in the effort to write a new essay, why do you deserve the scholarship?</p>
<p>Just a thought :)</p>
<p>Definitely do not re-use your essay. The University Scholar and Danforth Scholar programs are extremely competitive and the essays are an important factor on how they distinguish between these very high caliber applicants. They will look at the data from your Common App when deciding on finalists, and if they see two identical essays it won’t impress them very much. Imagine you are on the scholarship committee looking over 2,000 applicants for 40 finalist positions and they all have stellar grades, test scores and recommendations. Would you pick someone who did the “copy and paste” over someone else who wrote two different, creative 500 word essays? I don’t think so.</p>
<p>While WUDude makes some good points, just be aware the FAQs re the scholarships state as follows:</p>
<p>“Can I use the same essay for the academic scholarship application as for my admissions application? Yes. If the topic is relevant, you may choose to submit an additional copy of the same essay you used for your admissions application.”</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“http://admissions.wustl.edu/faq/Pages/scholarships.aspx]Scholarships[/url”>http://admissions.wustl.edu/faq/Pages/scholarships.aspx]Scholarships[/url</a>]</p>
<p>the essay is about my life experience dealing with a medical problem and how it has strengthened me as a person and developed my goals to be a doctor. It would be hard for me to really reword it differently because it is no doubt the most important thing about me. Not sure if that helps.</p>
<p>Is there a supplemental essay to apply RD? I can’t find one.</p>
<p>4Giggles, no just the Common Ap essay. Wash U has no supplemental essay for RD.</p>
<p>So I’m guessing for both essays, 500 wds. is the limit? Or can I go over. I don’t think it mentions a specific length for either.</p>
<p>my friend used his common app for the danforth last year and is currently a danforth scholar at washu, clearly it is not a problem. especially since they come out and say that on the website. they understand we are human people.</p>
<p>aem08 - It can certainly happen - but it is more the exception than the rule. You want to differentiate yourself as much as possible and give WashU as many reasons as possible for choosing you and not one of the other multiple applicants. Based on many years of experience, I would advise to do more rather than less.</p>
<p>Darn… I should’ve submitted other essay for ComApp and this essay for the scholarship:(. I feel helpless now.</p>
<p>ST2- That is a good point. Especially considering the great number of applicants, anything could help. I was just stating that if you had no other choice, it is not against the rules. Also, since the scholarship review committee can access your admissions file, it would probably be beneficial to have two essays.</p>